MPR Proposal to Give Soeharto the Title of National Hero, How Did the Government Respond? Emerge again Kompas Sep 30, 2024 Golkar Elite Supports Soeharto to Become a National Hero.
Proposal to name Suharto “national hero” attracts protest from Indonesian rights activists - Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières
Yolanda Agne, Jakarta — A number of parties have protested the proposal to award the title of national hero on the second President of the (…)
Let’s break it down:
- He was responsible for the disappearance and death of half a millions of suspected PKI members, whose bodies were later found in rivers and rice fields.
- In his final years before being ousted, he was also accountable for the disappearance of many activists who were critical of his regime or involved in protests against him.
- He manipulated general elections using his political vehicle 'golkar' and MPR, to maintain his grip on power. In other thread it has been highlighted that more than half of MPR member are not voted by the voters but appointed by him.
- During his presidency, Indonesia is either the most corrupt or ranked among the most corrupt countries globally.
- His immediate family acted as if they owned the country. A prime example is his son, Tommy Suharto, who orchestrated the assassination of Supreme Court judge Syafiuddin Kartasasmita. Where is justice to the family of this supreme court judge who made this decision ??
- He also manipulated history textbooks, making them mandatory for school children to be used in the schools during his rule. No wonder many millennials and Gen-Z especially those who are too naive, lack of critical analysis,too lazy to read other sources other than the one they have learned from manipulated history books in school, still believe he deserves to be recognized as a national hero.
The real issue here seems to be that his children still have the wealth for campaign, promotion, manipulation of the history, influence the decision-makers, like members of the MPR, through bribery. So the issue to nominate him as a National Hero never subside but come almost every single year.
Guess who propose Suharto to become a National Hero. It is 'Golkal' and the person the chairman of MPR Bambang Soesatyo who is also is from 'Golkar' party. This is his track record from ICW (Indonesian Corruption Watch)

Catatan ICW Terhadap Ketua DPR Bambang Soesatyo dalam Kasus Korupsi
Golkar dinilai mengabaikan kebutuhan DPR terhadap pimpinan yang kredibel dan mengonfirmasi bahwa partai tersebut tidak belajar dari kelengahan sebelumnya.
- Bambang Soesatyo was once mentioned by Miryam S. Haryani as having pressured her not to admit to the distribution of money in the e-KTP case.
- The testimony was later retracted by Miryam and became the forerunner to the use of the DPR's Right of Inquiry for the KPK.
- Bambang Soesatyo was also questioned several times by the KPK in the corruption case of the driving license exam simulator at the National Police Traffic Corps in 2013.
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