Shops that sell CBD oil/products


Jul 6, 2019
I have a quite terrible sleeping disorder and was using CBD oil to have some decent sleep genuinely for my health and normal life. I came to live in Indonesia and looked for the product, but could not find and so far either shops or online shops. I understand that this country is quite severe on drugs in general, but I purely need it to fuction well. Does anyone have the same issue? If so, then how are you coping with it? Do any doctors prescribe CBD for people with certain medical issues there?

What is CBD?
Quite severe on drugs? Marihuana is a class I narcotic and possession can lead to 4 years in jail. If you're a selebriti you will get away with a compulsory rehab. (They are still comparing it here to hard drugs from a fysical and psychological dependency standpoint.) But yes, you can find it online. If you do, be very cautious.

In Aceh it is -amazingly- quite popular. In food and in other recreational use. Together with Thailand it is the biggest producer of the region.

Clonazepam (Riklona) is quite popular here for sleeping disorders and anxiety attacks. Melatonin is OTC here.
Thanks for the comments. Quite severe might have been an ambiguous term. I am aware that it is prohibited here. I heard about things in Ache, but I’m not really a fan of recreational use and I just wanna cope with my health issues with CBD, so my usage back in my country is purely medicinal use.

So you mean that CBD is not recognized as the same to the prohibited substance and people can buy online? I searched a lot but nothing really came out.

I don’t want to do anything bad, so I can go back to prescriptions(I don’t like to because of side effect tho)

Please let me know you know some shops or online website that sell CBD product:)

Thank you
So you mean that CBD is not recognized as the same to the prohibited substance and people can buy online? I searched a lot but nothing really came out.

No. CBD is treated the same as cannabis. I read of them arresting someone at CGK for having CBD. I am having difficulty finding the article. CBD is made from extraction of oil from extremely low THC strains of Cannabis. Under Indonesian law different strains are all still ganja. It does not matter about if it is .3% THC or less.

In many countries that CBD oil has been allowed, there is a problem of regulation. There is usually no government agency to check for quality control. The supplement industry is rife with abuse of products not containing what they are supposed to. Combining that with the fact that it is considered an illegal drug in Indonesia, I would not trust any product labeled CBD being sold in Indonesia.

I will disclose my personal prejudices. I see CBD as a modern snake oil. If not familiar:
I know of no known substance on the planet that has been attributed to treat as many diseases as CBD currently has. I would need to see a multitude of double blind clinical studies to believe otherwise. If people need a placebo to treat themselves, they can just as easily get any jamu or go to the dukun for equal effectiveness.

A summary article:
Thanks for the very detailed answer. I am super convinced by your writing and confirmed that it was a right approach for me to check knowledgeable person first before I carry the product here with me. Very relieved.

I will read the attached article to deepen my knowledge. As it happened to any kind of prescriptions, what work for you and not really depends on your DNA or health conditions.

I really appreciate your answer!
CBD is one of the components of the cannabis plant, which mostly has a gentle action on our mind and relaxes us. It is completely safe for our organisms and mental health.
CBD is one of the components of the cannabis plant, which mostly has a gentle action on our mind and relaxes us. It is completely safe for our organisms and mental health.

No one said it wasn't, but it is not exactly safe to try to bring with you.
Quite severe on drugs? Marihuana is a class I narcotic and possession can lead to 4 years in jail. If you're a selebriti you will get away with a compulsory rehab. (They are still comparing it here to hard drugs from a fysical and psychological dependency standpoint.) But yes, you can find it online. If you do, be very cautious.

In Aceh it is -amazingly- quite popular. In food and in other recreational use. Together with Thailand it is the biggest producer of the region.

Clonazepam (Riklona) is quite popular here for sleeping disorders and anxiety attacks. Melatonin is OTC here Shop CBD.
can I sell CBD products if we are FDA-approved and all natural everything? 100% Tested natural
Yes of course. Sure. Probably best to make a page on FB with your store location so customers can find you easily to make their purchase directly
CBD for the people in Californian sell a CBD tincture isolate with zero THC. Would this be a prohibited item?
Yes of course. Sure. Probably best to make a page on FB with your store location so customers can find you easily to make their purchase directly

Don't forget an Instagram page too.
Thc is a totally different psychogenic component, which can have an unusual effect on our mind and influence our brain and mental health. I wouldn't suggest taking the last one or doing it in small amounts. I think you should buy it from online stores because they provide you with more choices and are available in each place. If you're interested in this topic, read more here thc vape kit. I hope my comment was helpful. Good luck with finding it!
thank you for your suggestion
Thc is a totally different psychogenic component, which can have an unusual effect on our mind and influence our brain and mental health. I wouldn't suggest taking the last one or doing it in small amounts. I think you should buy it from online stores because they provide you with more choices and are available in each place. If you're interested in this topic, read more here. I hope my comment was helpful. Good luck with finding it!

Someone is trying to set someone up to be the next Brittney Griner.

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