Requirements to become Indonesian President


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2022
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This thread was split off from another thread because 1) the previous thread was already dormant before being resurrected, and 2) the topic has shifted in a different direction. The original thread is here: LINK
End Moderation Note.

Indonesia has reasonable number of other controversial, draconian rules that does not exist in many democratic countries.

Apart from the right of foreigners to work, the family members of former communist party even they are the third / fourth generation are not allowed to work in many sectors. It is just that recently they are now allowed to apply in the army forces. What is the grand children, great grand children have got to do with what their grand parents, great grand parents did in the past ??

Also if you are not indigenous you can not become the president. This is mentioned in the constitution, so it is very difficult to change. The term indigenous itself is still very controversial. If you are Arabic descendant you are indigenous, But if your parents come from other part of the word yo are not indigenous.

By these definition, none of the US, AU, CA, NZ president that you have seen sofar are eligible to become presidents as all of the ancestors of these former presidents are immigrants. This has also gone to the extreme level, as even you are the third / fourth generation who were born and grown up in Indonesia of a migrant grand parent/great grand parent come from another countries, you still can not be nominated to become a president.
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Indonesia has reasonable number of other controversial, draconian rules that does not exist in many democratic countries.

Apart from the right of foreigners to work, the family members of former communist party even they are the third / fourth generation are not allowed to work in many sectors. It is just that recently they are now allowed to apply in the army forces. What is the grand children, great grand children have got to do with what their grand parents, great grand parents did in the past ??

Also if you are not indigenous you can not become the president. This is mentioned in the constitution, so it is very difficult to change. The term indigenous itself is still very controversial. If you are Arabic descendant you are indigenous, But if your parents come from other part of the word yo are not indigenous.

By these definition, none of the US, AU, CA, NZ president that you have seen sofar are eligible to become presidents as all of the ancestors of these former presidents are immigrants. This has also gone to the extreme level, as even you are the third / fourth generation who were born and grown up in Indonesia of a migrant grand parent/great grand parent come from another countries, you still can not be nominated to become a president.
Being President in Indonesia pretty much is reserved for Javanese. So, restrictions reach much farther than foreign bloodlines. Then again, if the Javanese candidate is not Muslim, they can forget it.
Being President in Indonesia pretty much is reserved for Javanese. ...Then again, if the Javanese candidate is not Muslim, they can forget it.
This made me think about Benny Moerdani..

For reasons I can no longer recall (hey, I'm old ... leave me alone!!!!), I was a big champion of Benny way back in the late 1980s/early 1990s. I thought he'd have been an excellent presidential candidate. But I knew he'd never make it, mostly because he was Catholic and perhaps also because he was 1/4 German.

Refreshing my memory with his Wikipedia page now, I'm not sure why I was such a big fan, but whatever ... whether or not he would have been a good successor to Suharto, he was doomed from the start due to his religion and "impure" heritage.
This made me think about Benny Moerdani..

For reasons I can no longer recall (hey, I'm old ... leave me alone!!!!), I was a big champion of Benny way back in the late 1980s/early 1990s. I thought he'd have been an excellent presidential candidate. But I knew he'd never make it, mostly because he was Catholic and perhaps also because he was 1/4 German.

Refreshing my memory with his Wikipedia page now, I'm not sure why I was such a big fan, but whatever ... whether or not he would have been a good successor to Suharto, he was doomed from the start due to his religion and "impure" heritage.

Muhammad Rizieq Shibab, both his parents were Arab Indonesians of mixed Hadhrami and Betawi heritage. They have never been considered as non Indigenous. There are many others with similar profile Muhammad Rizieq Shibab in Indonesia.

Muhammad Rizieq Shibab was the leader of the Islamist group Islamic Defenders Front (Indonesian: Front Pembela Islam, abbreviated as FPI), which was banned by the government in December 2020 due to extremisim and encourage peole to commit suicide bombing .
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Being President in Indonesia pretty much is reserved for Javanese. So, restrictions reach much farther than foreign bloodlines. Then again, if the Javanese candidate is not Muslim, they can forget it.
Probably the reason a repeat presidential candidate converted many years ago ;)
Something to tell Trump then - since he thinks he won 2020, he can't run again anyway
Also if you are not indigenous you can not become the president. This is mentioned in the constitution, so it is very difficult to change. The term indigenous itself is still very controversial. If you are Arabic descendant you are indigenous, But if your parents come from other part of the word yo are not indigenous.
Can you provide specific reference or quote what's stipulated in the constitution to support you assertion?

I might miss, but to my knowledge, the requirement is stipulated in the constitution (UUD 45) chapter 6, and law (UU) no. 17 tahun 2017.
probably your bahasa Indonesia is better than me;
Being President in Indonesia pretty much is reserved for Javanese. So, restrictions reach much farther than foreign bloodlines. Then again, if the Javanese candidate is not Muslim, they can forget it.
in the past, people believe the myth that the Indonesian president should be javanese according to NOTO NOGORO (javanese words, mean - manage the country) as it was proved with the name of first and second president, ie. SoekarNO, SoeharTO; but the third president is BJ Habibie, in fact is not Javanese; despite on how he got the position.

The constitution and law does not restrict the religious and ethnicity of the candidates. Difficult, but a non-javanese president is easier, at least Ridwan Kamil, Erick Thohir, and sandiaga Uno believe they have a chance.
Indeed, very difficult for non-muslim to be elected as 87% population is muslim. Not impossible though. Probably Indonesia will have non-muslim president before Italy, German, France, and US get a muslim presiden.
This made me think about Benny Moerdani..

For reasons I can no longer recall (hey, I'm old ... leave me alone!!!!), I was a big champion of Benny way back in the late 1980s/early 1990s. I thought he'd have been an excellent presidential candidate. But I knew he'd never make it, mostly because he was Catholic and perhaps also because he was 1/4 German.

Refreshing my memory with his Wikipedia page now, I'm not sure why I was such a big fan, but whatever ... whether or not he would have been a good successor to Suharto, he was doomed from the start due to his religion and "impure" heritage.
Beni Moedani is the legend in Indonesian Intelligence, no doubt. He never make it, simply more because of Suharto.
However, at least his best student which is also non-muslim, is now even more powerful than the VP.
Can you provide specific reference or quote what's stipulated in the constitution to support you assertion?

I might miss, but to my knowledge, the requirement is stipulated in the constitution (UUD 45) chapter 6, and law (UU) no. 17 tahun 2017.
probably your bahasa Indonesia is better than me;
Chapter 6 Article 1
Direct Quotation
"(1) Presiden ialah orang Indonesia asli"
orang Indonesia asli is Indigenous, Native Indonesian, this has been controversial since many decades ago.
When I said If you are Arabic descendant you are indigenous, is just in practice how the indonesian people, Indonesian people with Arabic descendent perceive it.

After searching I just noticed they made the third amendment of this chapter 6 article 1

(1) Calon Presiden dan calon Wakil Presiden harus seorang warga negara Indonesia sejak kelahirannya dan tidak pernah menerima kewarganegaraan lain karena kehendaknya sendiri, tidak pernah mengkhianati negara, serta mampu secara rohani dan jasmani untuk melaksanakan tugas dan kewajiban sebagai Presiden dan Wakil Presiden. ***)

The Candidates for President and Vice President must be an Indonesian citizen since birth and have never received another nationality of their own will, have never committed a treason, and are physically and mentally capable of carrying out their duties and obligations as President and Vice President.
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The Candidates for President and Vice President must be an Indonesian citizen since birth and have never received another nationality of their own will, have never committed a treason, and are physically and mentally capable of carrying out their duties and obligations as President and Vice President.
So how did the current VP pass the test?
Man Woman Camera Cat Dog
Repeat back in 20 minutes a la Trump

So how did the current VP pass the test?
I am not quire sure but I think because the things like physically and mentally capable is not black and white, but it is subject to interpretation.
If you could get expert judging saying you are physically and mentally capable, this might do the job. In Indonesia, people could easily get letter like that.

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