Record Surge in Global Heat


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2024
Title : Scientists struggle to explain record surge in global heat
By Nick Perry , December 16, 2024

The world has been getting hotter for decades but a sudden and extraordinary surge in heat has sent the climate deeper into uncharted territory -- and scientists are still trying to figure out why.

Over the past two years, temperature records have been repeatedly shattered by a streak so persistent and puzzling it has tested the best-available scientific predictions about how the climate functions unprecedented streak between June 2023 and September 2024, global temperatures were unlike anything seen before, said the World Meteorological Organization -- and sometimes by a considerable margin.

The heat was so extreme it was enough to make 2023 -- and then 2024 -- the hottest years in history...

Scientists are looking for clues elsewhere.

One theory is that a global shift to cleaner shipping fuels in 2020 accelerated warming by reducing sulphur emissions that make clouds more mirror-like and reflective of sunlight.

In December, another peer-reviewed paper looked at whether a reduction in low-lying clouds had let more heat reach Earth's surface ...

Scientists this year warned that Earth's carbon sinks -- such as the forests and oceans that suck CO2 from the atmosphere -- had suffered an "unprecedented weakening" in 2023.

This month, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said the Arctic tundra, after locking away C02 for millennia, was becoming a net source of emissions.

Oceans, which have acted as a massive carbon sink and climate regulator, were warming at a rate scientists "cannot fully explain", said Johan Rockstrom of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

"Could this be a first sign of a planet starting to show a loss of resilience? We cannot exclude it," he said last month.
Maybe the Earth, like it's biological inhabitants is developing a fever to fight off that which ails it.
That which ails it being us I guess.
In part. The population of this planet is just too large for it to support plus the largest population areas being condensed could just be throwing the whole Earth off balance. One can only tilt so far before tipping over. Not to mention the sun shining where it normally doesn't.
The global climate problem started being seriously discussed since 1992 (32 years ago) , when "197 countries established an annual forum, known as the Conference of the Parties, or COP, for international discussions aimed at stabilizing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere".

But it seems not much has been done to limit the problem .

From Framework Convention on Climate,to explicitly address climate change.
Title : Global Climate Agreements: Successes and Failures
By Lindsay Maizland
Last updated December 5, 2023

... experts say countries aren’t doing enough to limit dangerous global warming.

Summary :
... Governments generally agree on the science behind climate change but have diverged on who is most responsible, how to track emissions-reduction goals, and whether to compensate harder-hit countries.

The findings .. at the 2023 UN Climate Summit in Dubai, concluded that governments need to do more to prevent the global average temperature from rising by 1.5°C...

... the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere keeps rising, heating the Earth at an alarming rate. Scientists warn that if this warming continues unabated, it could bring environmental catastrophe to much of the world, including staggering sea-level rise, record-breaking droughts and floods, and widespread species loss.
Is there a consensus on the science of climate change?
Yes, there is a broad consensus among the scientific community, though some deny that climate change is a problem, including politicians in the United States...

Are the commitments made under the Paris Agreement enough?
Most experts say that countries’ pledges are not ambitious enough...The policies of Paris signatories as of late 2022 could result in a 2.7°C (4.9°F) rise by 2100, according to the Climate Action Tracker compiled by Germany-based nonprofits Climate Analytics and the NewClimate Institute...
Yale University economist William Nordhaus says that purely voluntary international accords like the Paris Agreement promote free-riding, and are destined to fail ...
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The global climate problem started being seriously discussed since 1992 (32 years ago) , when "197 countries established an annual forum, known as the Conference of the Parties, or COP, for international discussions aimed at stabilizing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere".

But it seems not much has been done to limit the problem .

From Framework Convention on Climate,to explicitly address climate change.
Title : Global Climate Agreements: Successes and Failures
By Lindsay Maizland
Last updated December 5, 2023

... experts say countries aren’t doing enough to limit dangerous global warming.

Summary :
... Governments generally agree on the science behind climate change but have diverged on who is most responsible, how to track emissions-reduction goals, and whether to compensate harder-hit countries.

The findings .. at the 2023 UN Climate Summit in Dubai, concluded that governments need to do more to prevent the global average temperature from rising by 1.5°C...

... the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere keeps rising, heating the Earth at an alarming rate. Scientists warn that if this warming continues unabated, it could bring environmental catastrophe to much of the world, including staggering sea-level rise, record-breaking droughts and floods, and widespread species loss.
Is there a consensus on the science of climate change?
Yes, there is a broad consensus among the scientific community, though some deny that climate change is a problem, including politicians in the United States...

Are the commitments made under the Paris Agreement enough?
Most experts say that countries’ pledges are not ambitious enough...The policies of Paris signatories as of late 2022 could result in a 2.7°C (4.9°F) rise by 2100, according to the Climate Action Tracker compiled by Germany-based nonprofits Climate Analytics and the NewClimate Institute...
Yale University economist William Nordhaus says that purely voluntary international accords like the Paris Agreement promote free-riding, and are destined to fail ...
It's amazing that scientists, and even people on this forum deny these findings! I don't think that the Earth, will wait until 2100 until it's too late! It's like the guy riding that missile on The movie, Dr. Strangelove, WHUPPEE!!!
Title : The People Least Responsible For Global Warming Will Suffer The Most From Its Consequences
By : Clément Fournier , Jan 2020

... of the 10 biggest emitters of CO2 in the world per capita (including emissions imported via consumption), 7 are “rich” countries ... more specifically and by order: the United States, Japan, Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, and France.

...these large polluters are also the ones who will suffer the least from the consequences of global warming for which they are accountable.

On the contrary, the poorest countries, those who have contributed the least to global warming, are those who will suffer the most...


Countries most affected by the climate crisis : 1. Chad , 2. Central African Republic , 3. Eritrea , 4. DR of Congo , 5. Guinea Bissau , 6. Sudan , 7. Afghanistan , 8. Somalia , 9. Liberia , 10. Mali (from
The global climate problem started being seriously discussed since 1992 (32 years ago) , when "197 countries established an annual forum, known as the Conference of the Parties, or COP, for international discussions aimed at stabilizing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere".

But it seems not much has been done to limit the problem .

From Framework Convention on Climate,to explicitly address climate change.
Title : Global Climate Agreements: Successes and Failures
By Lindsay Maizland
Last updated December 5, 2023

... experts say countries aren’t doing enough to limit dangerous global warming.

Summary :
... Governments generally agree on the science behind climate change but have diverged on who is most responsible, how to track emissions-reduction goals, and whether to compensate harder-hit countries.

The findings .. at the 2023 UN Climate Summit in Dubai, concluded that governments need to do more to prevent the global average temperature from rising by 1.5°C...

... the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere keeps rising, heating the Earth at an alarming rate. Scientists warn that if this warming continues unabated, it could bring environmental catastrophe to much of the world, including staggering sea-level rise, record-breaking droughts and floods, and widespread species loss.
Is there a consensus on the science of climate change?
Yes, there is a broad consensus among the scientific community, though some deny that climate change is a problem, including politicians in the United States...

Are the commitments made under the Paris Agreement enough?
Most experts say that countries’ pledges are not ambitious enough...The policies of Paris signatories as of late 2022 could result in a 2.7°C (4.9°F) rise by 2100, according to the Climate Action Tracker compiled by Germany-based nonprofits Climate Analytics and the NewClimate Institute...
Yale University economist William Nordhaus says that purely voluntary international accords like the Paris Agreement promote free-riding, and are destined to fail ...
The whole COP thing is a joke....
85.000 people, including 1000's of O & G lobbyist fly there by plane.

OK, COP 29 only 56.000 !

The last 3 were hold in O & G producing countries, managed by people having high positions in that industry.
The rich countries make promesses they have no intention to respect.
Poor countries try to get as much money they can from the rich ones...

The 1,5 C discussed in Paris is dead already.
Since the Paris 2015 COP consumption of oil, gaz and coal has globally continue to go up.

The global climate problem started being seriously discussed since 1992 (32 years ago) , when "197 countries established an annual forum, known as the Conference of the Parties, or COP, for international discussions aimed at stabilizing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere".

But it seems not much has been done to limit the problem .

From Framework Convention on Climate,to explicitly address climate change.
Title : Global Climate Agreements: Successes and Failures
By Lindsay Maizland
Last updated December 5, 2023

... experts say countries aren’t doing enough to limit dangerous global warming.

Summary :
... Governments generally agree on the science behind climate change but have diverged on who is most responsible, how to track emissions-reduction goals, and whether to compensate harder-hit countries.

The findings .. at the 2023 UN Climate Summit in Dubai, concluded that governments need to do more to prevent the global average temperature from rising by 1.5°C...

... the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere keeps rising, heating the Earth at an alarming rate. Scientists warn that if this warming continues unabated, it could bring environmental catastrophe to much of the world, including staggering sea-level rise, record-breaking droughts and floods, and widespread species loss.
Is there a consensus on the science of climate change?
Yes, there is a broad consensus among the scientific community, though some deny that climate change is a problem, including politicians in the United States...

Are the commitments made under the Paris Agreement enough?
Most experts say that countries’ pledges are not ambitious enough...The policies of Paris signatories as of late 2022 could result in a 2.7°C (4.9°F) rise by 2100, according to the Climate Action Tracker compiled by Germany-based nonprofits Climate Analytics and the NewClimate Institute...
Yale University economist William Nordhaus says that purely voluntary international accords like the Paris Agreement promote free-riding, and are destined to fail ...
They started seriously discussing in 1992. 20 years earlier I and many others had already been exposed to these revelations in our University studies in Geography and Climatology classes. Of course then it was called the normal and expected Earth Climatic cycle.

As for governments agreeing on the science, the question is not that you agree on the science but what have you agreed to do to prepare for it? You spend billions discussing the science and having meetings to discuss more costly science but since everyone knew it was coming since maybe to 50s, what has been spent to prepare for it. Evidently all these talks and money spent to tell us it's coming and we should do this to stop it has totally failed. It's still coming. How much has been spent to study it with the answer always being, it is coming? If that money, maybe in the trillions if dollars now would have been used to prepare for it, to me, that would have been the smart thing to do. Yes, you will have mikes and Mike's of land disappear due to flooding but, it's coming. Sham of a lifetime.
They started seriously discussing in 1992. 20 years earlier I and many others had already been exposed to these revelations in our University studies in Geography and Climatology classes. Of course then it was called the normal and expected Earth Climatic cycle.

As for governments agreeing on the science, the question is not that you agree on the science but what have you agreed to do to prepare for it? You spend billions discussing the science and having meetings to discuss more costly science but since everyone knew it was coming since maybe to 50s, what has been spent to prepare for it. Evidently all these talks and money spent to tell us it's coming and we should do this to stop it has totally failed. It's still coming. How much has been spent to study it with the answer always being, it is coming? If that money, maybe in the trillions if dollars now would have been used to prepare for it, to me, that would have been the smart thing to do. Yes, you will have mikes and Mike's of land disappear due to flooding but, it's coming. Sham of a lifetime.
I totally agree with you! All that Time and Money, wasted on continuing meetings, and discussions, when everyone already knew! The problem is obvious. Big Money, Talks more than common sense. We are at the mercy of corporate giants, that spend billions on lobbying, and corrupt politicians. Just look at America now. In January, The Great Orange, Dictator will take control, and Drill, Baby, Drill! He has no concern for the wellbeing of the Planet, or the Common people.
His only concern is his Ego, and his Cronies! The only hope is that more rational people have some way to keep him in check.
And even worse Megalomaniacs, like Elon Musk have bought their way into influencing the Government! 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏾‍♀️
The whole COP thing is a joke....
85.000 people, ... OK, COP 29 only 56.000 !...
Talking about people travelling for meetings , from my own experience working for my country's government , every time we traveled abroad we got a very good daily stipend for hotel/food/taxis , from that I personally could save the equivalent of 1 month's salary per trip (of 2 weeks duration) . It was a big incentive for colleagues to get as much trips as possible .
I heard about the same very good daily stipend for the Indonesian Government's public servants too (when I worked with them , more than 25 years ago) .
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Talking about people travelling for meetings , from my own experience working for my country's government , every time we traveled we got a very good daily stipend for hotel/food/taxis , from that I personally could save the equivalent of 1 month's salary per trip . It was a big incentive for colleagues to get as much trips as possible . I saw the same situation in the Indonesian Government too (when I worked with Indonesian public servants) .
Sounds like luxury to me! The question is, did you accomplish anything, or just enjoy a free ride?
... did you accomplish anything, or just enjoy a free ride?
Important to say that , in my view (after working for governments for 20 years) , one big reason for countries not progressing enough is because in general government employees don't do much .

Doesn't matter but to answer you , I was better than the average .🤣
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I totally agree with you! All that Time and Money, wasted on continuing meetings, and discussions, when everyone already knew! The problem is obvious. Big Money, Talks more than common sense. We are at the mercy of corporate giants, that spend billions on lobbying, and corrupt politicians. Just look at America now. In January, The Great Orange, Dictator will take control, and Drill, Baby, Drill! He has no concern for the wellbeing of the Planet, or the Common people.
His only concern is his Ego, and his Cronies! The only hope is that more rational people have some way to keep him in check.
And even worse Megalomaniacs, like Elon Musk have bought their way into influencing the Government! 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏾‍♀️
As much as I dislike the guy you mentioned, truth be told, there were a number of presidents, Senators, Congress People, Cabinate members, Directors, aids that came before that talked, talked, talked and did nothing, nothing, nothing. Not just them, you could circumnavigate the globe and find no one that would different from them, Oh well, too late now probably.
Title : The People Least Responsible For Global Warming Will Suffer The Most From Its Consequences
By : Clément Fournier , Jan 2020

... of the 10 biggest emitters of CO2 in the world per capita (including emissions imported via consumption), 7 are “rich” countries ... more specifically and by order: the United States, Japan, Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, and France.

...these large polluters are also the ones who will suffer the least from the consequences of global warming for which they are accountable.

On the contrary, the poorest countries, those who have contributed the least to global warming, are those who will suffer the most...


Countries most affected by the climate crisis : 1. Chad , 2. Central African Republic , 3. Eritrea , 4. DR of Congo , 5. Guinea Bissau , 6. Sudan , 7. Afghanistan , 8. Somalia , 9. Liberia , 10. Mali (from

Another leftard (leftard=leftist+retard) BS article.

Put the CO2 emissions by absolute number and you get:

Germany and so on.

In US even under Trump's administration the CO2 emissions were going down.

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Another leftard (leftard=leftist+retard) BS article.

Put the CO2 emissions by absolute number and you get:

The author of the article in post no.7 above refers to "... per capita (including emissions imported via consumption)" and you refer to " ... by absolute number" .

So to say it is "BS" you need to bring a more credible & different data about the same subject .
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Title : The People Least Responsible For Global Warming Will Suffer The Most From Its Consequences
By : Clément Fournier , Jan 2020

... of the 10 biggest emitters of CO2 in the world per capita (including emissions imported via consumption), 7 are “rich” countries ... more specifically and by order: the United States, Japan, Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, and France.

...these large polluters are also the ones who will suffer the least from the consequences of global warming for which they are accountable.

On the contrary, the poorest countries, those who have contributed the least to global warming, are those who will suffer the most...


Countries most affected by the climate crisis : 1. Chad , 2. Central African Republic , 3. Eritrea , 4. DR of Congo , 5. Guinea Bissau , 6. Sudan , 7. Afghanistan , 8. Somalia , 9. Liberia , 10. Mali (from
That's pretty biased from the start. Why not list the three apparently non-Western countries?
That's pretty biased from the start.
Could you explain us about this bias you see ?
Why not list the three apparently non-Western countries?
I guess that these 3 countries have low population .

It seems that an important thing that the author didn't mention also is that his article was issued in 2020 but those 7 countries probably came from a 2004's data of the link he provided .
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Could you explain us about this bias you see ?

I guess that these 3 countries have low population .

It seems that an important thing that the author didn't mention also is that his article was issued in 2020 but those 7 countries came from a 2009's research .
The bias is putting blame on the rich and excusing the poor. Not listing the three 'poor' countries is removing them from the spotlight.
I very much doubt that the three have low populations. Since they're high emissions they must be industrialized or industrializing, clearing their forests, or both. It's likely that they have quite large populations. And if they don't, then list them with a note to that effect.
The author of the article in post no.7 above refers to "... per capita (including emissions imported via consumption)" and you refer to " ... by absolute number" .

So to say it is "BS" you need to bring a more credible & different data about the same subject .
Because the emissions are in absolute amounts, not per capita. Than you can see China and India are among the biggest polluters and increasing the CO2 emissions, while US and EU are decreasing the CO2 emisssions countinuously, or that Indonesia pollutes more than Germany (that has 3x less population and almost 4x bigger economy than Indonesia in absolute numbers, not per capita). The article is basically spreading false propaganda about pollution justice- meaning whatever positive the US and EU do and decrease the emissions, the developing countries would not have any consequences about continuous pollution and increasing pollution in the name of "climate justice".

Having more babies in a poor country does not abolish the country from the responsibilities for CO2 emissisons. Rich/developed countries are polluting less and less (not "more" as in the article).

That is why the soutce article is leftard propaganda, done by self loathing academics.

To put in perspective for the first four:
# Country CO2 emissions
1 China 32.88%
2 United States 12.60%
3 India 6.99%
4 Russia 4.96%

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