The 1999 Nobel Laureate in Physics, Gerardus (Gerard) 't Hooft, is scheduled to give a public lecture at ITB on Friday, November 4th, 8:30 am, at Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Sabuga) ITB, in Bandung. Physics nerds who happen to be anywhere near Bandung shouldn't miss this!
Registration fee is Rp 25,000 for the general public and is due tomorrow at the latest.
Further information here.
Registration form here. article in English here.
From Wikipedia:
Registration fee is Rp 25,000 for the general public and is due tomorrow at the latest.
Further information here.
Registration form here. article in English here.
From Wikipedia:
Gerardus (Gerard) 't Hooft is a Dutch theoretical physicist and professor at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He shared the 1999 Nobel Prize in Physics with his thesis advisor Martinus J. G. Veltman "for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions".His work concentrates on gauge theory, black holes, quantum gravity and fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics. His contributions to physics include a proof that gauge theories are renormalizable, dimensional regularization, and the holographic principle.