"Idiots".... Mmmm never in your professionnal life you opened an attachment in an email ?
Never downloaded any update to some program or application ?
For the email - Once with bad results.
I downloaded a duff attachment that messed me up until I got rid of it. The thing loaded a virus but it was a piss poor job I managed to clear after visiting a few anti-hacker sites.
I make mistakes, but I try not to make the same one twice.
For the updates - Never.
My computers and phones are tools. That means they get apps they need to do my work, but nothing else.
I have a PC just for work. It has Chrome for the internet, and a legal version of PowerPoint so I can make presentations. I have audio and video editors, and Coreldraw, but nothing else.
My office uses Google's suite of tools so everything else is on Chromebooks for speed and ease. I have to use PowerPoint as presentations commonly have audio and video components, but I can't guarantee stable internet so Google Slides presentations don't always work offline.
Updates aren't an issue if you don't download dodgy software.
My personal stuff gets what I need and nothing else. Most of the apps on those machines are Google or very well known apps that are considered safe. No games, no porn, and no gambling.
I don't mix work and personal machines so there is no crossover at all.
I can't access personal files from my work computers, nor can I access work on my personal devices.
That means I carry two phones, both Samsung S series. A slight downside, but not a major one. Having the S21 for work means I can pop it onto a monitor and have a full desktop (DeX) if I need to access work files from home. The same goes in reverse at work. If I need to send a personal email or whatever, I can pop my S22 onto my desk monitor and I have desktop access to all my personal stuff.