Protest and Get Deported


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Charter Member
Jul 19, 2016
Someone wasn't thinking at all with protesting in the open. Foreigners just can't do that. You should also avoid political rallies to be safe since everyone is not in the same side.
Did they just show up and decided to participate -probably without knowing what it was- or was it a planned action?
Did they just show up and decided to participate -probably without knowing what it was- or was it a planned action?
I would guess they were in the general area and decided it would be fun to join in. Didn't end in a fun way. Best thing to do if come across a protest is to remove yourself from the area completely. If you want to watch authorities could feel you are a participant. I think it's the same for political rallies. Foreigners have no business in domestic political involvement.
I would guess they were in the general area and decided it would be fun to join in. Didn't end in a fun way. Best thing to do if come across a protest is to remove yourself from the area completely. If you want to watch authorities could feel you are a participant. I think it's the same for political rallies. Foreigners have no business in domestic political involvement.
Yes - it's actually part of the KITAS rules - you cannot take part in protests or demonstrations. I checked the list after stupidly taking part in the women's march here one year. Luckily I didn't get in any trouble - but I'm not one to jump on stage and make a speech like these fellas.
There is no law about foreigners joining protests, but UU No 6 Tahun 2011 Pasal 75 gives immigration authorities great leeway to deport foreigners for anything that can be considered disrespectful or disturbing public order. It's the same paragraph used to deport foreigners who post disrespectful images at Bali holy sites to their sosmed.

Pasal 75
Pejabat Imigrasi berwenang melakukan Tindakan Administratif Keimigrasian terhadap Orang Asing yang berada di Wilayah Indonesia yang melakukan kegiatan berbahaya dan patut diduga membahayakan keamanan dan ketertiban umum atau tidak menghormati atau tidak menaati peraturan perundang-undangan.

Paragraph 75
An Immigration Officer has the authority to enforce Immigration Administrative Action to Foreign National residing in Indonesian Territory who engage in harmful activities and which presumably threatening security and public order or disrespectful or contravene the applicable legislation.
There is no law about foreigners joining protests, but UU No 6 Tahun 2011 Pasal 75 gives immigration authorities great leeway to deport foreigners for anything that can be considered disrespectful or disturbing public order. It's the same paragraph used to deport foreigners who post disrespectful images at Bali holy sites to their sosmed.
Joining in a protest against a government ruling would probably be considered disrespectful and since it is a protest could easily be seen as disturbing public order. Especially if you have no business doing so.

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