Private Guitar & Ukulele Lessons


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Hi, Friend :)

Let me introduced myself first, my name is Bowo Christantyo. I am working as a musician also a guitar/ukulele tutor. I had been teaching guitar at JIS (Jakarta Intercultural School) & (Australian International School) from 2014 until February 2017 then i decided to run my own private guitar/ukulele lessons until now.

I offer the private guitar/ukulele lessons for those who are interested to learn to play guitar or ukulele. I can give the lessons at your home. The level can started from beginner, intermediate until advance. The lesson duration can be chosen to 45 minutes or 1 hour.

Just contact me or via Whatsapp at 081808361136

Cheers :)

Welcome to the forum. As a fellow guitarist (10 years lapsed now), let me give you your first like! :)
Where do you get an uke in Jakarta?

You can visit MG music stores at their two branches, at Arteri Pondok Indah or Blok-M. They sell lots of ukuleles from different brands also with different prices. One thing is all the price of ukulele sold there is affordable.

I used to visit the Arteri Pondok Indah branch because i know their manager and their staff very well rather than in Blok-M branch.

Hi. I sometimes think about a ukulele "When I'm cleaning windows"
I usually think about ukes when I'm Tiptoeing thru the Tulips, but now thanks to you guys I've got Tiny Tim on my brain
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All the best wishes for your new project! Banyak Murid and have a lot of fun teaching,
When you are in Bali, drop by if you want we can jam :thumb:

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