nonprescription medication shipping from abroad


New Member
Jan 12, 2025
Hi all ... I'm Jim, living in Yogyakarta, and am new on this forum. There are a couple of nonprescription medications, really supplements, that I took in the U.S. that are really useful. However, Amazon will not ship them to Indonesia. Any options for getting them shipped? A remailer, maybe? I brought in a modest amount, and they tripped no red flags at customs. Did some searches but didn't see this answered here—thank you for any information.
There is a fair chance that Customs will attach a huge tax or you may not even get them. Bringing items as personal baggage is more likely to get through without a problem but anything couriered will be problematic. I recall someone saying they got taxed something like $100 for simply have a credit card forwarded. Good luck
Thank you. If I could get several bottles of each, I might be willing to pay a $100 tax. But of course losing the whole deal would not be good. Am interested to hear from others.
You can hand carry reasonable amount of supplement and vitamin but not by shipment regardless the quantity. Legally, only registered Indonesian entities can import supplements. Products shall undergo BPOM's certification process before imported to Indonesia.
Indonesia is very picky on stuff being shipped here. Bringing your own items, or having close friends bringing them in is ideal. There are some shipment forwarding companies that consolidate smaller shipments for $20-25 per kilo, that possibly might work. Check US Indonesian groups.

Given the amount of illicit substances that people get tricked into bringing, I’d be very hesitant bringing provided items in, from people I don’t know well. If someone says, “Hey I need some GNC XYZ supplement”, that’s fine, as I can source it directly at the store or website.
Even if you can get through customs (doubtful for medications or supplements, they are very strict) without them taking them, they will tax it to the extent that it probably won't be worth it. I forgot 2 bottles of lotion and some lip balm for my wife on a trip a couple of years ago. $60 shipping and $30 in import taxes for $40 worth of lotion. It was more the thought than the expenditure but not happening again. Every single item that I have ever shipped in (yes even debit cards) are always ridiculously taxed. If you can't buy it local or you can't get someone to bring it in their luggage, it's likely a losing proposition. What are the supplements? Have you tried to find something similar locally?

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