You're a Conspiracy hack. FYI, while a member if the US military it was my job to research diseases, investigate outbreaks, and find person zero within that research. I had 2 epidemics and numerous local outbreaks to research. I had to learn where to look for information and what to avoid.
Covid was no scam. Sorry for anyone who lost someone to it. I too had family members die from it. In my case it was from because people here refused to accept it due to all the bad information running by word or mouth. Those nasty conspiracy theories running wild. If covid was such a scam and people died only because of ill-gotten treatment then why did many live with the same treatment. Covid treatment had many variables. How far the disease progressed before seeking help is a main one and no, advancement doesn't always mean someone is feeling they are on their deathbed even though they really are. Covid had many faces and that was one of the problems in how to treat.
Perhaps you could just stick a UV light up your ass and inject some bleach. I'm sure you might learn a lesson concerning your research methods.
Mask are so the wearer does not spread covid. Unless you double mask they do little to protect someone against covid. They stop the particulate you are spreading. Some people have covid that have no symptoms. They still can spread it. Maybe those that want to follow junk science because they are not capable of real research so refuse to wear mask are the same people spreading covid to their family members.
The terrible thing about how covid was treated was that sone made it political and hundreds of thousands that may have lived, did not. Go blame them for refusing or interfering with science. The covid treatments and vaccines were a big priority and happened in record time. No, they didn't have all the answers but they sure didn't need all these snake oil promoters. Really, what do you want?
Conspiracies are for the weak minded individuals who don't have the intelligence to make their own decisions based on sound evidence. They just follow along like the sheep they are. I can imaging your middle name is something like Q