new covid new lockdowns?

Agree 100%. The problem now is that nobody want's to listen to the other side and have a reasonable discussion. If you don't think what I think, then you are wrong, no discussion and it comes from both sides.
And again, wild conspiracy theories are one thing. Thinking the governments of this world want our best and act righteous is another thing. I think one of the oldest "conspiracy theories" goes about living in a monetary system and as long as everything is based on things like interests on (fiat) money, profit or artificial shortage (i keep it at that), things will never fully work out for most people. And no, I don't wanna see communism, fascism and whatnot. I already made peace with the fact that we'll most likely will never see a better world. So live and let live.
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The covid treatments and vaccines were a big priority and happened in record time
Yep, normally it takes 5 to 7 years to have a vaccine invented / tested / approved !

This time 6 months, and with big pharma clearly stating that they don't take any responsability for any consequences or side effects.....that says it all.
Yep, normally it takes 5 to 7 years to have a vaccine invented / tested / approved !

This time 6 months, and with big pharma clearly stating that they don't take any responsability for any consequences or side effects.....that says it all.
Not to mention the ever changing capapbilites of the vaccine. Take this and you won't get COVID, OK maybe you will get COVID but you can't spread it, OK maybe you can spread it but you will not die if you take the vaccine, etc. Boosters not needed and then needed every 6 months. Distancing 6 foot that they admitted came from the top of ther head. Enough was done wrong without there needing to be conspricy theory to make it so. Plenty of room left for the actual conspiracy of where the virus actually came from.
Not to mention the ever changing capapbilites of the vaccine. Take this and you won't get COVID, OK maybe you will get COVID but you can't spread it, OK maybe you can spread it but you will not die if you take the vaccine, etc. Boosters not needed and then needed every 6 months. Distancing 6 foot that they admitted came from the top of ther head. Enough was done wrong without there needing to be conspricy theory to make it so. Plenty of room left for the actual conspiracy of where the virus actually came from.
The silence around that also amazes me. Aren't there more and more indications that the virus actually originated from a laboratory. That's what I mean, after the damage is done, they always just stick to the original story. (Ok another conspiracy) Like, isn't Lee Harvey Oswald still considered the one and only responsible person for the death of JFK? Anyway..i don't wanna add this additional subject to the discussion.😂
Like, isn't Lee Harvey Oswald still considered the one and only responsible person for the death of JFK? Anyway..i don't wanna add this additional subject to the discussion.😂
Defintely a rabbit hole you don't want to go down if you are trusting of the government.
If we don't do that then we are nothing more than gullible willing sheeple slaves who fall for everything the Mainstream News Media & Goverment's tell us

Ok but what about sheep following the online hysteria over the threat of lockdowns? Right now there is little to no evidence that any government is planning on bringing back lockdowns. Yet online there is a massive push saying Tories (UK) and Democrats (USA) are planning on bringing it back and you better vote against them to protect your freedoms. So who is the sheep in this case? Note this is definitely not coming from mainstream media.
Long term mask & face shield wearing did not prevent my father in law from dying in a hospital here in Jakarta last year. First he was admitted as not feeling well. Then had the so called "COVID TEST", which they put the label on him as "COVID POSITIVE". His condition went down hill quickly once they started "TREATMENT", & within a few days he was DEAD.
Fact is, COVID is a damn scam, & the "Treatments" are killing people, & they know it. Everything bad happening in the world is by design.
Furthermore, for those of you who disagree, my wife & I know of some friends, friends of friends, etc, who died suddenly, some died in their sleep. All dead shortly after taking the NWO Depopulation Death Vax & boosters.
Ok but what about sheep following the online hysteria over the threat of lockdowns? Right now there is little to no evidence that any government is planning on bringing back lockdowns. Yet online there is a massive push saying Tories (UK) and Democrats (USA) are planning on bringing it back and you better vote against them to protect your freedoms. So who is the sheep in this case? Note this is definitely not coming from mainstream media.
There are some reliable links out there that will usually point you in the right direction. The mainstream media is full of half truths, tall tales, & complete lies, as they all follow the same script given to them by Govt.
You're a Conspiracy hack. FYI, while a member if the US military it was my job to research diseases, investigate outbreaks, and find person zero within that research. I had 2 epidemics and numerous local outbreaks to research. I had to learn where to look for information and what to avoid.

Covid was no scam. Sorry for anyone who lost someone to it. I too had family members die from it. In my case it was from because people here refused to accept it due to all the bad information running by word or mouth. Those nasty conspiracy theories running wild. If covid was such a scam and people died only because of ill-gotten treatment then why did many live with the same treatment. Covid treatment had many variables. How far the disease progressed before seeking help is a main one and no, advancement doesn't always mean someone is feeling they are on their deathbed even though they really are. Covid had many faces and that was one of the problems in how to treat.

Perhaps you could just stick a UV light up your ass and inject some bleach. I'm sure you might learn a lesson concerning your research methods.

Mask are so the wearer does not spread covid. Unless you double mask they do little to protect someone against covid. They stop the particulate you are spreading. Some people have covid that have no symptoms. They still can spread it. Maybe those that want to follow junk science because they are not capable of real research so refuse to wear mask are the same people spreading covid to their family members.

The terrible thing about how covid was treated was that sone made it political and hundreds of thousands that may have lived, did not. Go blame them for refusing or interfering with science. The covid treatments and vaccines were a big priority and happened in record time. No, they didn't have all the answers but they sure didn't need all these snake oil promoters. Really, what do you want?

Conspiracies are for the weak minded individuals who don't have the intelligence to make their own decisions based on sound evidence. They just follow along like the sheep they are. I can imaging your middle name is something like Q
First of all, Mr War Monger Military Freak, people like you only know how to follow orders, which is kill kill kill. I do not trust any damn thing you have to say. Maybe you were helping to spread those epidemics for all we know. Now go stick your load of shit up yours!!
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There are some reliable links out there that will usually point you in the right direction

Read my posts. I have been asking for the prooof since the beginning. Maybe you could provide some for us? At a minimum acknowledge that not all mainstream media is following a script and that some of the wave of posts pushing in one direction could be false fact they could even be the work of a different government if you wanted to go down the conspiracy tunnel.

Just in case we are arguing different things - i am asking for proof that lockdowns are either coming back or are being planned again. I am seeing a massive push online to blame governments for upcoming lockdowns when i see no evidence of those lockdowns yet.
These are the new 10 commandments as engraved in Granite on the former Georgia Guide Stones which stood since 1979 until recently this year when someone, probably from within, blasted one of the slabs of stone around 4-4:30 am. Similar time frame when the so called "Wild Fires" start. Usually the military works these hours to avoid any witnesses.
So, you tell me, what do you think about the new Ten Commandments? And remember this, the UN/WHO & others have a DEPOPULATION AGENDA, & they will continue to move on to their next plan until most people on planet earth are DEAD. And for those of you who will just laugh at this, good luck, because in the end I'll have the last laugh.

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule Passion — Faith — Tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
If I could suggest a more centrist approach. Governments do enough bad on their own, we don't really to make things sound any worse than they are when you put all the cards out on the table. I think most people will agree the world exists somehwere in between 2 extremes. In other words don't think you aren't being manipulated but also be somewhat cautious of what you beleive as well.
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Providing links to prove any points that I try to make never work. Even though the links are valid, & some come directly from the horses mouth, like the UN/WHO Agenda 21, 2030, & 2050, most of the sheeple will not even open 1 link, instead they will just do what their best at, keeping their eyes & ears covered from the truth. BTW, there's also plenty of evidence that the US never did land man on the silly moon. Even land line phone call from President Nixon to the fricken moon was faked. And for those of you who still believe they did, you are beyond help.
Not to mention the ever changing capapbilites of the vaccine. Take this and you won't get COVID, OK maybe you will get COVID but you can't spread it, OK maybe you can spread it but you will not die if you take the vaccine, etc. Boosters not needed and then needed every 6 months. Distancing 6 foot that they admitted came from the top of ther head. Enough was done wrong without there needing to be conspricy theory to make it so. Plenty of room left for the actual conspiracy of where the virus actually came from.
I suppose the ever changing capabilities of the vaccine were advertised by elected (DT & JB e.g.) and unelected (Fauci et al) politicians in the US and elsewhere.
In Singapore the Pfizer jab was advertised from the get go as reducing the chance of getting the bug and reducing its severity and the chances of transmitting it if you did get it, which is pretty much what happened with the earlier variants. I guess the same message was passed in other places also.
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First of all, Mr War Monger Military Freak, people like you only know how to follow orders, which is kill kill kill. I do not trust any damn thing you have to say. Maybe you were helping to spread those epidemics for all we know. Now go stick your load of shit up yours!!
You are a complete idiot. Here I spent all those years trying to save lives and now according to you I was in reality killing everyone. Wish I had someone with such a keen sight on my mission as you back then.

1. One great thing about this Forum is that there are a good number of people that post responsible, helpful post.

2. Another great thing is that this Forum allows us to use a useful tool to block those puss for brains members.

I will happily enjoy number one and definately use number 2. My honor to choose to ignore the ignorant.
@Hughes im intrigued about these stones now. So you implied that the military blew them up. Why? Because they say that the worlds population should be less than 500mill? Isnt that what you say that UN/WHO are trying to do? So is the miltary fighting against UN/WHO or for them? Im just trying to keep up with this.

You also say that Mr War Monger Freak (did i get that right?) could have been spreading the epidemics but earlier you said there was no covid epidemic. So what epidemic was he spreading?

Sorry for all the mind has clearly been damaged by the UN/WHO and mass media over the years but now im starting to see the light.
And we jumped the shark and nuked the fride in the same episode. There are some English idioms in there if you want to research them.

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