National plus postgraduate school?


Active Member
Nov 30, 2016

Does anyone know any information about national plus (a term according to kind of postgraduate school with psychology major in Indonesia? Or international university?
I am looking for alternative than University of Indonesia. The objective is to gain international degree in psychology with reasonable cost. I am also considering online school.

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks
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Strictly speaking, National Plus only concerns Grades 1 through 12, comparable to SD through SMA.

Not sure what the University level equivalent would be, probably a good private university fits the bill. I'm not familiar at all in that area, so maybe someone else can add more information.
I see.. Sorry I did not see the detail of the grade on your post, or maybe I missed it.
Binus university seem to have a well set up international programme. UPH is another one I hear mentioned. Might be worth looking at those.

Does anyone know any information about national plus (a term according to kind of postgraduate school with psychology major in Indonesia? Or international university?
I am looking for alternative than University of Indonesia. The objective is to gain international degree in psychology with reasonable cost. I am also considering online school.

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks

I know this thread is slightly old, but to be honest, if the degree is going to be recognized outside of Indonesia, I think UI would be the only option, and surely their cost, relative to online options from western universities I would still be considered a reasonable cost.

I know some staff at our school were looking at education degrees... levels of English, even in so called English speaking programmes are also somewhat variable in many Indonesian Universities.

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