Learning the basics - for those who are new to Indonesia


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Jul 16, 2016
Terima kasih - thank you

Selamat Pagi - good morning
Selamat siang - good day
Selamat sore (sounds like soray)
Selamat malam - Good Evening/night- as in a greeting not as in a goodbye

Saya/Aku - me , I my, mine

Anda/kamu - you/yours

Mereka- they/them (people)

Kita/ Kami - us/ our

Motor - moped
Mobil - car

Kereta api- train

makan - eat
minum- drink

Kiri (sounds like Keeree) - left (direction)
Kanan - right (direction)
Rumah- house/ home
Kantor- office

Supir - driver
Pembantu - house helper

Satpam - security guy / night watchman

Goreng- fried
Ikan - fish, so Ikan goreng : fried fish
bakar- baked or grilled or BBQd - in short it means burnt/cooked with fire
Sapi- beef
Babi- pork
Ayam- chicken
Sayur- vegetables
Buah- fruit
Air (sounds like higher) water - general water not usually drinking water
Air minum / air putih (sounds like pooti) & Aqua = drinking water

Words you will likely hear called out to you in places outside of Jakarta : Bule (sounds like BooLay) take it as "whitey'
Halo Mister- a greeting recognising you are a foreigner - irrespective of gender.

Saya minta maaf ; I am sorry

Malu - shy or embarrassed

Dokter- doctor
Gigi - teeth
so: dokter gigi = dentist
kepala- head
perut- belly
kaki- leg
jantung- heart
sick/unwell- sakit

so: saya sakit kepala - I have a headache
sakit gigi toothache
See.. not too hard - you got this covered :)
I intended to cover things such as:
local customs - left hand being seen as the dirty hand, the greeting of clasping hands & appearing to then wipe on the chest (which is not what is happening- it is more like drawing you to their heart) and so on, but I got caught up in the basic language.
Local foods & what they consist of
Other things to note... come on, someone else write things :)
During Ramadan, I heard "sakit perut" mentioned often by my over indulging relatives.
come on, someone else write things :)

Apart from

Dimana WC (pronounced Way Say) ? - Where is the toilet ?

which is normally the first phrase I try to learn in any language

one phrase I've always thought is extremely useful is

Apa lawanya ? - what is the opposite of ?

especially when used with all of the words like black and white, near and far, etc.

As long as you can remember apa lawanya ? and one of the opposite words you can effectively get two words for every word you remember.

For example you know that hot is panas but can't remember what cold is you can say

apa lawanya panas and the person you are asking should be able to remind you that cold is dingin.

So :

Near - dekat
far - jauh

black - hitam
white - putih

hot - panas
cold - dingin

heavy - berat
light - ringan

dark - gelap
bright - terang

left - kiri
right - kanan

wrong - salah
correct - benar

fat - gemuk
slim - langsing

clean - bersih
dirty - kotor

push - dorong
pull - Tarik

Ok, I know that's only 10 pairs of words but as long as you can remember apa lawanya and one of the words from each pair of opposites that's already 20 words that you can use so you're getting a bonus of 10 words

If you can get 50 pairs of opposites that's a bonus 50 words and 50 words is a lot in a language that you are just learning.

No, I'm not a teacher, it's just a way of learning I found out by myself.
Apa lawanya ? - what is the opposite of ?

Fantastic advice. I'm ashamed I never thought of it.

[EDIT - I'm pretty sure it's supposed to have 2 ns in there. e.g. "Apa Lawannya?" It makes a small difference in the pronunciation.]
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This is a good idea, Here's my mechanical contribution.

Ban - Tyres
Ban dalam - inner tube
Velux - Wheel rims
Tromol - hub
Roda - Wheel (complete)
Kompas rem - brake shoes
Garpu - forks
Sok breaker - shock absorber
Kepala babi - fork link
Stang - headset/ handlebars
Body - frame
Spakbor depan - front mudguard
Klakson -horn
Tanki besin - petrol tank
Jok - seat or saddle
Lampu depan - front lamp
Lampu belakan - rear lamp
Tepong - sidepanels
Lis - body trim
Rem depan - front brake
Rem belakan - rear brake
Kabel body - wiring loom
Tali - cables
Gigi -gears (individual)
Mesin - engine
Kasin mesin - engine casing
Blok - cylinder
Kepala blok - cylinder head
Piston - piston
As Kruk - crankshaft
Gigi persenelin- gearbox
Borobudor - Layshaft
As roda - drive shaft
Koplin - clutch
Platina - stator plate
kipas flywheel
knalpot -exhaust pipe
Bensin - petrol
Oli - oil
Gemuk - grease
Angin - Air
Cakram - hydraulic brakes
tidur = sleep

tiduri = ok, thats for the cage.....

I'm still struggling with the i at the end by some words
To add one or two to Scoot's post:
Ganti oli (oil change)
Serpiss (<<< how it sounds but I think spelt servis) - service
pilter- filter

so serpiss dan ganti oli/pilter : service and oil/filter change

Oh and a special favourite of mine

spayerpar - how it sounds - what it is : spare parts
Serpiss (<<< how it sounds but I think spelt servis) - service
pilter- filter

so serpiss dan ganti oli/pilter : service and oil/filter change

Oh and a special favourite of mine

spayerpar - how it sounds - what it is : spare parts

Yes yes, and remember that Sundanese cant say F and V. So, their servis is serpis.

Also we have this : "Siapa bilang orang Sunda gak bisa bilang ep", that supposed to be 'ef'. :bounce:
Oh I know Alia... hahah pishing (fishing) plowers (flowers)
This is a good idea, Here's my mechanical contribution.

Ban - Tyres (from band)
Ban dalam - inner tube
Velux - Wheel rims
Tromol - hub (from trommel)
Roda - Wheel (complete)
Kompas rem - brake shoes (rem=break)
Garpu - forks
Sok breaker - shock absorber (from schokbreker)
Kepala babi - fork link
Stang - headset/ handlebars
Body - frame
Spakbor depan - front mudguard (from spatbord)
Klakson -horn
Tanki besin - petrol tank (from benzine tank)
Jok - seat or saddle
Lampu depan - front lamp
Lampu belakan - rear lamp
Tepong - sidepanels
Lis - body trim (from lijst)
Rem depan - front brake
Rem belakan - rear brake
Kabel body - wiring loom
Tali - cables
Gigi -gears (individual)
Mesin - engine
Kasin mesin - engine casing
Blok - cylinder
Kepala blok - cylinder head
Piston - piston
As Kruk - crankshaft (from krukas)
Gigi persenelin- gearbox
Borobudor - Layshaft
As roda - drive shaft
Koplin - clutch (from koppeling)
Platina - stator plate
kipas flywheel
knalpot -exhaust pipe (knalpot evolved into knalpijp or uitlaat)
Bensin - petrol (from benzine)
Oli - oil
Gemuk - grease
Angin - Air
Cakram - hydraulic brakes

Putar - to turn (steering wheel etc.)

Lampu atret - reverse light (atret is from Dutch achteruit)

Persneling - gears or gearbox (from Dutch versnelling)

Dongkrak - a jack (from Dutch dommekracht, evolved in krik)

Doorsmeer - to lubricate (from Dutch doorsmeren)

Pelek - rim (= velux :crazy:)

Bagasi - trunk (weirdly enough in Dutch it is called koffer, that would be kopor)

Tangki - gas tank

Otomatis - automatic (gearbox)

Mobil / oto - car (from mobiel and auto)

Gores - scratch (from kras)

Selang - hose (from slang)

Rebewes - driving license (from rijbewijs, although commonly called SIM now)

Funny all these old and 'degenerated' words from an era gone by. Sometimes it is even similar to Afrikaans.

This is an important reason why Bahasa Malaysia and Indonesia can be so different btw; there is no link to Dutch in those other versions of the Malay languages.
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First word I learnt was mandi(shower) , no idea why
First word I learnt was mandi(shower) , no idea why

Word association mate - similar for me when I was learning

Kaos = cows (T-shirt)

Minta = Alan Minter the boxer (ask for)

Hous = house (thirsty)

Mandi = Girls name (shower)

And so on and so forth

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