1) Advertisers with Job Openings are exempt from the 1-ad-per-month restriction (ie. you can have multiple listings at any given time). All other rules in the Posting Guidelines, and Guidelines for Classifieds Forum still apply.
2) Please write in the title whether the job is available for expats or Indonesians only.
3) We require that you include the following information: (we recommend you copy and paste this, then fill it out at your leisure)
Job Title: (eg. Sales Supervisor, or Technical Analyst)
Job Location: (include at least the city of where this job is located)
Job Description: (give a short description of the job duties)
Qualification: (education, experience, certification, etc that you require to apply)
Application Deadline: (dd-mm-yy)
Job Starting Date: (approximately, if not known yet)
Contact Information: (your contact information)
4) In addition to the above, we encourage you to include more information about the job as needed.
5) If you want to hire a WNA/foreigner to work in Indonesia, you must explicitly state that you will be responsible for providing the necessary legal documents, including KITAS and IMTA where applicable. If you do not, your ad is against the Posting Guidelines, and will not be posted. Remember that foreigners are NOT ALLOWED TO WORK in Indonesia without a valid KITAS/KITAP.
NOTE: If your job advertisement does not conform to our requirements, we reserve the right to delete it, at moderator discretion. We'll do our best to contact you quickly to advise you that you need to fix your announcement.
2) Please write in the title whether the job is available for expats or Indonesians only.
3) We require that you include the following information: (we recommend you copy and paste this, then fill it out at your leisure)
Job Title: (eg. Sales Supervisor, or Technical Analyst)
Job Location: (include at least the city of where this job is located)
Job Description: (give a short description of the job duties)
Qualification: (education, experience, certification, etc that you require to apply)
Application Deadline: (dd-mm-yy)
Job Starting Date: (approximately, if not known yet)
Contact Information: (your contact information)
4) In addition to the above, we encourage you to include more information about the job as needed.
5) If you want to hire a WNA/foreigner to work in Indonesia, you must explicitly state that you will be responsible for providing the necessary legal documents, including KITAS and IMTA where applicable. If you do not, your ad is against the Posting Guidelines, and will not be posted. Remember that foreigners are NOT ALLOWED TO WORK in Indonesia without a valid KITAS/KITAP.
NOTE: If your job advertisement does not conform to our requirements, we reserve the right to delete it, at moderator discretion. We'll do our best to contact you quickly to advise you that you need to fix your announcement.
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