ITAS-ITAP conversion ( my experience )


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2018
This is my experience of ITAS to ITAP (spousal) conversion - my 4th Kitas will be expiring in march 2022 and given all the COVID situation I wanted to apply for the conversion bit of earlier, and I thought probably it would take more than six months! I've also read Nicho s post about converting itas to itap which took long and seemed complicated! But probably I'm lucky enough to get it done in less than 2 months. So here are the documents that I needed to submit and procedures I needed to follow :

01 Nov, 2021 - I went to the local KanIm with my wife in the morning, we straight went to the front desk and the lady told us to wait while she took my passport and handed to another officer. After a while that officer called us in his room and started to explain the procedure of converting itas to itap. As I know all of these already I was just nodding my head and I asked him, would it be much longer than usual because of the COVID situation ? He replied - we would try to make it as quick as possible! Then he told us to wait and he went to consult with his boss! He came back after 5 mins and quoted ' we will make it quick and it will be 30 jt' I really felt sorry that I wasn't paying attention so I asked my wife 30 what ? She said 30 jt' we have to pay him 30 jt. I said for what ? Now he replied If you want to do it by yourself you can. I said yes we are going to do it by ourselves like we did it in 2018 ( my sosbud to Kitas conversion ) he said okay then, and I asked him why 30 jt' ? He replied ' tiket bolak balik Jakarta ' ( I'm from Riau btw)

So apart from the little conversation everything went fine we were given 3 forms to fill out and the documents we needed to submit were :
‌copy of non empty pages of passport
‌copy of SKTT
‌copy of sponsor KTP and KK
‌copy of current ITAS
copy of buku nikah (marriage certificate)
‌copy of my no impediment of marriage certificate
, I had no idea why they asked for it but I still have some photocopies left so it was easy.
After that we were given the payment slip and told to pay within one week and wait for the home interview . The amount was 6.75 jt, 5 jt for ITAP and 1.75 for 2 two years of MERP. The following day we paid it.

11 Nov, 2021 home interview : they were kind enough to let us know that they will be coming to our home to check the address so we stayed at the home. At around 10 in the morning 3 immigration officers came to our home. It was quick, just only asked a few questions and had our photos taken. One of the photos was Infront of our home number and one with our son even though he was disturbed! He is 20 months old now. Before they left they said they also wanted to take photo with pak RT, so my brother in law went to pak RTs home but the RT wasn't home so they left without taking the photo with the RT.
That afternoon I got a call from kanIm, the officer said if we could check pak RT already home yet or not, because they must take a photo with him. Now that's new thing because when I had my first Kitas they didn't ask for it. But anyway things always change so I went to pak RT s home and luckily he was home and told him to come by home after half an hour, so I called the immigration officer and he came alone this time took couple of photos, one with the RT and one with me and left.

16 nov,2021 Photo and fingerprints : We were told to go to the kanIm for photo and fingerprints, they WhatsApp my wife's no. By the time it was done it's already lunch hour so they told us come the next day to take file to KanWil. So the next day went back to kanIm, they gave us the file and told to photocopy all of them before taking it to KanWil. After that we went to KanWil, which is couple of min scooter ride from kanIm, where the front desk lady said 'it will take 3 days to 1 week to complete then the kanIm will inform us' now that's also new for me because in 2018 we sent our file by courier to Jakarta (Ditjen imigrasi), I asked her about it and she replied she had no idea who's going to send to Jakarta! Well then we left the file at kanwil. We waited one week and WhatsApp kanIm to check the status, the lady replied ' it's pending for approval from the ditjen' and she also sent us a screenshot.

Fast forward to 18 Dec, 2021 - I checked my email and found my itas to itap conversion application was already completed in 17th Dec, it was Saturday so I waited till today. In the morning I texted kanIm whether I could come and get my passport and the lady replied just an hour ago, it's complete and tomorrow I can get my passport. So that's it, my itas to itap conversion, took less than 2 months without any extra fees, the next thing will be applying for KTP and hope it will be easier too. ✌️
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30 juta and they send via JNE. I beliefe it is all done and approved on computers now. KITAP for this past year for the most part have only taken 2 to 3 months. Once you submit it you are protected from overstay so you could have waited. I hope they dated it starting when your KITAS expired.

No one should be paying any government agency more than what they are going to get an official receipt for. Anyone that does is just part of the corruption problems and causes problems for any that walk in the door after them.

A picture with the RT. Strange. They come up with this crap on their own and have no legitimate reasons for them.

Glad you got it completed. It really isn't that hard. Sure, one here or there may have problems but if you walk in the door knowing what us required, you just follow what the law says. Know the laws. They are all on line.

KTP next. Now, here is where a lot of people run into people that have no idea what is needed for WNA. Good luck.
KTP next. Now, here is where a lot of people run into people that have no idea what is needed for WNA. Good luck.
Made my KTP (Bali) last week, after obtaining my 5y Retirement KITAP.
Piece of cake. Landlady handled it for me.
  • Domicile letter (Surat Keterangan)
  • Then the Kartu Keluarga (translation ? House / family book ?)
With the latter and my passport we went to some office in Denpasar, picture taken, plenty fingerprints, then wait 15 min for them to print the KTP.
All in about 30 min.
For KITAS to KITAP conversion in (South) Jakarta, the process is even easier than in Riau (thank you for sharing the report, @Lemonyellow).

  • no visit to KanWil is needed. The local immigration office is taking care of the whole process incl. all the letters, submissions, sending/getting approval etc.. Point 4) below is completely done by the immigration officers..

  • here the process flow after submitting application documents (get the list of what is needed from the counter prior to preparing the documents), and reporting payment proof:

  • a small extra service for you,
    here is the required Surat Pernyataan Integrasi template as soft copy ;-)



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama :
Tempat & Tanggal Lahir :
Jenis Kelamin :
Kewarganegaraan :
Nomor Paspor :
Tempat Pengeluaran Paspor :
Berlaku sampai dengan :
Surat Domisili/KTP WNA : /// you can put your SKTT number and your WNA NIK here ///
Alamat :

Dengan ini menyatakan:
  • Bahwa akan menghormati Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Tahun 1945;
  • Bahwa saya tidak akan menyebarkan paham, ideologi dan ajaran yang bertentangan dengan Pancasila, Undang-Undang Dasar tahun 1945 dan peraturan perundang-undangan;
  • Bahwa saya akan menghormati etika, adat istiadat dan kerukunan beragama yang berlaku di Wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia;
  • Bahwa saya akan mempelajari Bahasa Indonesia dan budaya masyarakat Indonesia;
  • Bahwa saya akan turut memilihara ketertiban umum dalam masyarakat Indonesia;
  • Bahwa saya akan mentaati segala peraturan peundang-undangan di Wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
Demikian pernyataan integrasi ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya dalam keadaan sehat jasmani dan rohani tanpa ada tekanan dari pihak manapun dan apabila saya melanggar Pernyataan Integrasi, saya bersedia dikenakan sanksi sesuai dengan Pasal 6 angka 2 huruf c Undang-Undang Nomor 6 tahun 2011 tentang Keimigrasian jo Pasal 159 ayat (4) huruf c Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 31 tahun 2013 tentang Peraturan Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2011 tentang Keimigrasian berupa pembatalan Izin Tinggal Tetap.

Jakarta, 29.11.2021

Yang Menyatakan,

///Signature on Materai///

Glad you got it completed. It really isn't that hard. Sure, one here or there may have problems but if you walk in the door knowing what us required, you just follow what the law says. Know the laws. They are all on line.

KTP next. Now, here is where a lot of people run into people that have no idea what is needed for WNA. Good luck.
Thanks to this forum, I already know the laws, at least regarding Kitas/ kitap.

So today I went to the kanIm for my passport. The officer (kepala sub seksi) told us to wait for awhile, and he said ' your itap is already done, so you're not going to visit us for next five years, don't you guys bring something for us ? Then he asked my wife, Bu gak bawa apa2 utk kami ?! I just replied ' terimakasih banyak pak, urusan nya sudah selesai. Then he said okay okay. We just took my passport and the green colored e-kitap card and did copies of them one for the kanIm and rest for the KTP and we left.

Next we went straight to the Disdukcapil, there's a section for WNA I know it from my previous visits. It was easy, I needed to add the copy of my itap and other documents were same as the itap application. The lady just said I'll be included in wife's KK, she gave me a form to write my parents name and blood group also phone number and email address. That's it. Then she gave me a WhatsApp number and told me wait for the email to check the data in kk and then I'll be given a date via WhatsApp to come back for making the KTP. Within 5 mins I got the email but I couldn't download the kk because it showed data tidak valid, so I WhatsApp her and she sent me a PDF file of kk, in which I'm included and my wife is the kepala keluarga 😁. And it's already past their office hours so probably tomorrow I will get the date to go back.
For KITAS to KITAP conversion in (South) Jakarta, the process is even easier than in Riau (thank you for sharing the report, @Lemonyellow).
I also read in another blog , someone who's residing in jkt also did their itap conversion without having to go to the KanWil. I don't know probably because I'm living outside of jkt , but at least the KanWil was never been a problem because even though we went to KanWil we never got to meet the officers there unlike the kanIm, it was just the front desk lady with a very little info. For my first itas we were told to sent the file to ditejn imigrasi from the KanWil and we did that, but I don't know since it's been 3 years probably it changed but the officers from kanIm will not let you know ( at least my experience ) about it. That's way it is here I guess. But I'm happy that for us who live outside of jkt don't need to physically send the documents to the ditjen. 👍
Made my KTP (Bali) last week, after obtaining my 5y Retirement KITAP.
Piece of cake. Landlady handled it for me.
  • Domicile letter (Surat Keterangan)
  • Then the Kartu Keluarga (translation ? House / family book ?)
With the latter and my passport we went to some office in Denpasar, picture taken, plenty fingerprints, then wait 15 min for them to print the KTP.
All in about 30 min.

Did the landlady include you in her family's Kartu Keluarga? Or, it's just you in YOUR Kartu Keluarga?
Did the landlady include you in her family's Kartu Keluarga? Or, it's just you in YOUR Kartu Keluarga?
Nope, I am the only one mentionned on.the Karta Keluarga.

Note that I dont live in an individual, private villa, but in a ressort.
kk, in which I'm included and my wife is the kepala keluarga 😁.
Correct, WNA cannot be Kepala Keluarga/family head.

With the latter and my passport we went to some office in Denpasar, picture taken, plenty fingerprints, then wait 15 min for them to print the KTP.
As mentioned on another thread, it's worthwile to ensure that your KTP is not just printed, but the data is also uploaded to the government online system/e-KTP system. It will safe you future trips. Otherwise you would face difficulties at any other government institution later as they will be not able to find your KTP data in their database system. You might also face problems with banks or tax office in future as NPWP gets replaced by NIK/KTP-number.
Correct, WNA cannot be Kepala Keluarga/family head.

As mentioned on another thread, it's worthwile to ensure that your KTP is not just printed, but the data is also uploaded to the government online system/e-KTP system. It will safe you future trips. Otherwise you would face difficulties at any other government institution later as they will be not able to find your KTP data in their database system. You might also face problems with banks or tax office in future as NPWP gets replaced by NIK/KTP-number.
I am family head on the Kartu Keluarga.

For the KTP, it was done in the goverrnment office (don't ask me the name) so I am pretty sure it's OK.

Note that I showed both documents to my visa agent who confirmed they were legit.
What happens if husband and wife are both WNA ???
As I understand it a WNA can be Kepala Keluarge for just themself or a family of WNA, but WNA can not be Kepala Keluarga on a Kartu Keluarga that includes WNI. If the family has both WNA and WNI, either the WNI is Kepala Keluarga or there are separate Kartu Keluarga issued.
@R Cameron
You said it much better than me. That's what I meant. :)

As I understand it a WNA can be Kepala Keluarge for just themself or a family of WNA, but WNA can not be Kepala Keluarga on a Kartu Keluarga that includes WNI. If the family has both WNA and WNI, either the WNI is Kepala Keluarga or there are separate Kartu Keluarga issued.
Post update, If anyone's still following. ;)
I've got my e-KTP today. It took one day after I was required to give my biometrics. That's it. But I had to go to Disdukcapil 3 times! In my first visit they told me ' ada gangguan di jaringan ' probably they couldn't figure how to put WNA in their system, so I left my contact number and after 2/3 days I was told go there again for the biometrics, this time it the 'gangguan' with the Eye scanner, the lady told me she was trying to borrow one from another kantor, and failed. Finally this Monday I went again and today I got my e-KTP. ✌️
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Congratulations, nice to have all those bureaucratic hoops and hurdles in your rear view member.
Thanks for all the updates.
This is my experience of ITAS to ITAP (spousal) conversion - my 4th Kitas will be expiring in march 2022 and given all the COVID situation I wanted to apply for the conversion bit of earlier, and I thought probably it would take more than six months! I've also read Nicho s post about converting itas to itap which took long and seemed complicated! But probably I'm lucky enough to get it done in less than 2 months. So here are the documents that I needed to submit and procedures I needed to follow :

01 Nov, 2021 - I went to the local KanIm with my wife in the morning, we straight went to the front desk and the lady told us to wait while she took my passport and handed to another officer. After a while that officer called us in his room and started to explain the procedure of converting itas to itap. As I know all of these already I was just nodding my head and I asked him, would it be much longer than usual because of the COVID situation ? He replied - we would try to make it as quick as possible! Then he told us to wait and he went to consult with his boss! He came back after 5 mins and quoted ' we will make it quick and it will be 30 jt' I really felt sorry that I wasn't paying attention so I asked my wife 30 what ? She said 30 jt' we have to pay him 30 jt. I said for what ? Now he replied If you want to do it by yourself you can. I said yes we are going to do it by ourselves like we did it in 2018 ( my sosbud to Kitas conversion ) he said okay then, and I asked him why 30 jt' ? He replied ' tiket bolak balik Jakarta ' ( I'm from Riau btw)

So apart from the little conversation everything went fine we were given 3 forms to fill out and the documents we needed to submit were :
‌copy of non empty pages of passport
‌copy of SKTT
‌copy of sponsor KTP and KK
‌copy of current ITAS
copy of buku nikah (marriage certificate)
‌copy of my no impediment of marriage certificate
, I had no idea why they asked for it but I still have some photocopies left so it was easy.
After that we were given the payment slip and told to pay within one week and wait for the home interview . The amount was 6.75 jt, 5 jt for ITAP and 1.75 for 2 two years of MERP. The following day we paid it.

11 Nov, 2021 home interview : they were kind enough to let us know that they will be coming to our home to check the address so we stayed at the home. At around 10 in the morning 3 immigration officers came to our home. It was quick, just only asked a few questions and had our photos taken. One of the photos was Infront of our home number and one with our son even though he was disturbed! He is 20 months old now. Before they left they said they also wanted to take photo with pak RT, so my brother in law went to pak RTs home but the RT wasn't home so they left without taking the photo with the RT.
That afternoon I got a call from kanIm, the officer said if we could check pak RT already home yet or not, because they must take a photo with him. Now that's new thing because when I had my first Kitas they didn't ask for it. But anyway things always change so I went to pak RT s home and luckily he was home and told him to come by home after half an hour, so I called the immigration officer and he came alone this time took couple of photos, one with the RT and one with me and left.

16 nov,2021 Photo and fingerprints : We were told to go to the kanIm for photo and fingerprints, they WhatsApp my wife's no. By the time it was done it's already lunch hour so they told us come the next day to take file to KanWil. So the next day went back to kanIm, they gave us the file and told to photocopy all of them before taking it to KanWil. After that we went to KanWil, which is couple of min scooter ride from kanIm, where the front desk lady said 'it will take 3 days to 1 week to complete then the kanIm will inform us' now that's also new for me because in 2018 we sent our file by courier to Jakarta (Ditjen imigrasi), I asked her about it and she replied she had no idea who's going to send to Jakarta! Well then we left the file at kanwil. We waited one week and WhatsApp kanIm to check the status, the lady replied ' it's pending for approval from the ditjen' and she also sent us a screenshot.

Fast forward to 18 Dec, 2021 - I checked my email and found my itas to itap conversion application was already completed in 17th Dec, it was Saturday so I waited till today. In the morning I texted kanIm whether I could come and get my passport and the lady replied just an hour ago, it's complete and tomorrow I can get my passport. So that's it, my itas to itap conversion, took less than 2 months without any extra fees, the next thing will be applying for KTP and hope it will be easier too. ✌️
Thanks for sharing this pak
30jt for the Imigration office to do the conversion on your behalf !! Wow , that's more than using an agent !! Just shows how much yo can save doing it yourself , 23 jt just there . I estimate I saved 50-60 jt compared to agent fees over the course of 5 years , ITAS renewals , Alhi Status/Convesion to ITAP etc. 2 months is great . Going by the dates on my Notification email and the KITAP card itself my completed KITAP Application sat in an office tray for nearly 2 months before I was notified and then it was only after I emailed the Director Geneals Dept enquiring about delays due to Covid and how long I could expect to be waiting that I got the email , "The next day" ! KTP and KK were going to cost me 250,000rp at the local Government office "Travel and meal allowance for an officer to go 30 minutes up the road to Banyuwangi and have it processed " so I went up myself , 10,000rp for a litre of petrol and 5,000rp for a Nasi Pecel on the way back and no charge for the KTP and new KK !!
When I went to the kanim to collect my Itap, the head of the sub section officer asked me ' how do you know it's done' ? I replied ' I got email yesterday. Then he said ' do you know anyone from the Kanwil office? I said no, I don't. Then he said he had a friend in Kanwil who can make things faster. I don't know he was saying things like that and it seemed there's a communication gap between Ditjen imigrasi and the local kanim or maybe it's just his trick to get something along the way. He even said you're not going to visit us for next five years and asked if we brought something for them 😄

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