Indonesia's Jobless Gen-Z and demographic disaster

Well, as always in editorials and articles of this particular news medium (a major reason I don’t read it actively anymore), the contradictions are plenty…

One of the big challenges for the government at the moment is to create jobs fast enough for the young population as their population keeps growing. Failure to do so may result in a rapidly increasing number of unemployed and a declining economy.

And in the next paragraph:

Rather than spending funds on mega infrastructure projects, it may be time for the government to invest in education, especially in programs that can enhance the skills of the young population and enable them to work independently.

What we see in many first world countries, is that ‘better education’ often leads to a huge shortage of more hands-on workers. How many engineers do you really need? But try to find a plumber, electrician, carpenter or mason. And for less than €40 per hour is completely impossible. So then you ‘import’ them from Eastern Europe. And in Indonesia? The Chinese provide their own workers now for the projects they are doing. And that does have an impact on this 15-19 year old group they mention.
Anies B. wanted to create jobs by "membangun 40 kota". At the same time, why not invest also in education for future necessary skills.
Well, as always in editorials and articles of this particular news medium (a major reason I don’t read it actively anymore), the contradictions are plenty…

One of the big challenges for the government at the moment is to create jobs fast enough for the young population as their population keeps growing. Failure to do so may result in a rapidly increasing number of unemployed and a declining economy.

And in the next paragraph:

Rather than spending funds on mega infrastructure projects, it may be time for the government to invest in education, especially in programs that can enhance the skills of the young population and enable them to work independently.

What we see in many first world countries, is that ‘better education’ often leads to a huge shortage of more hands-on workers. How many engineers do you really need? But try to find a plumber, electrician, carpenter or mason. And for less than €40 per hour is completely impossible. So then you ‘import’ them from Eastern Europe. And in Indonesia? The Chinese provide their own workers now for the projects they are doing. And that does have an impact on this 15-19 year old group they mention.

You are correct that the thrust of the piece was vague. I also agree with you re; univ. degree programmes which churn out graduates. China is a classic example of that phenomenon. (Imagine being a high academic achiever for ~16 years and not having an opportunity to work in your chosen field?)

"The consequences of a growing young population", as the article describes them, are a very real threat to the oligarchy here in Indo. Having a token 'young vice-president' who stands on stage and looks confused will not fool those young Indonesians for very long.

None of us want to see the abysmal levels of schooling that seems to be standard at this time for most Indonesian learners. Teacher training, facilities, materials, etc. are far behind what is needed if the oligarchs want to compete in the future...(unless they're following the communist model and forming a cohort of workers who don't/can't think critically? :censored:)

The 'Middle Income Trap' almost certainly awaits Indonesia if changes aren't made.
Jobless Gen-Z and demographic disaster

Beware the middle income trap ! In my opinion, Indo not only looks, smells and feels like Mexico :sick: it seems that the economy will hit the same wall.
You forgot to mention the mess the Jakarta post is in, and neglected to add a warning about mis-information printed in that rag.
You can usually tell with a quick google of the story. If it isn't anywhere else except Kompas and one notably useless Singaporean outlet, it's either a scoop or bullshit.
It's pretty much always bullshit.

Now look at who pays them.
You forgot to mention the mess the Jakarta post is in, and neglected to add a warning about mis-information printed in that rag.
You can usually tell with a quick google of the story. If it isn't anywhere else except Kompas and one notably useless Singaporean outlet, it's either a scoop or bullshit.
It's pretty much always bullshit.

Now look at who pays them.
What is misinformation here exactly?
A workforce of millions of people whose only education has been learning the Koran is not going to be much use in getting Indonesia to higher income status, however there will be an everlasting supply of cheap low-skilled service workers (delivery drivers, massage etc.).
You forgot to mention the mess the Jakarta post is in, and neglected to add a warning about mis-information printed in that rag.
You can usually tell with a quick google of the story. If it isn't anywhere else except Kompas and one notably useless Singaporean outlet, it's either a scoop or bullshit.
It's pretty much always bullshit.

Now look at who pays them.
What mess are they in, who pays them, what type of misinformation do they print, and what's the notably useless Singaporean outlet?
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You forgot to mention the mess the Jakarta post is in, and neglected to add a warning about mis-information printed in that rag.
You can usually tell with a quick google of the story. If it isn't anywhere else except Kompas and one notably useless Singaporean outlet, it's either a scoop or bullshit.
It's pretty much always bullshit.

Now look at who pays them.
Yea, but Mexico has Guacamole, ceviche, mole, a wide variety of chiles, corn, and a much more diversified method of cooking delicious meals, pulled pork!
What is misinformation here exactly?
They publish stories for political reasons, not to disseminate news as is their job.
A couple of weeks ago they assured us there was a massive shortage of air conditions due to a government cock-up, but it was a pure lie.
In fact there were concerns about a policy, but it did not cause any shortages.

That wasn't the first or last bullshit they made up to forward their political agenda.
You forgot to mention the mess the Jakarta post is in, and neglected to add a warning about mis-information printed in that rag.
You can usually tell with a quick google of the story. If it isn't anywhere else except Kompas and one notably useless Singaporean outlet, it's either a scoop or bullshit.
It's pretty much always bullshit.

Now look at who pays them.
Do you have any thoughts regarding the gist of the article itself? Who or what entities would promote an article which discusses the obvious societal/sociological situation which Indo faces in the near future?

p.s. - I'm not aware of any 'mess' that the JPost may be 'in'.
Do you have any thoughts regarding the gist of the article itself? Who or what entities would promote an article which discusses the obvious societal/sociological situation which Indo faces in the near future?

p.s. - I'm not aware of any 'mess' that the JPost may be 'in'.
To the JP first

That rag quotes pieces from Bloomburg, the NST in Sing, and other couple I forget.
Instead of printing lies, they reference lies from other news outlets so they aren't actually claiming anything, thus aren't breaking the law.
What this boils down to, is don't believe anything you read in that paper.
Back to the story itself.
The first ting to do is see how many other news outlets have the same story. If it's just one, the story is either a rock solid exclusive, or utter rubbish.
Let's say it isn't a popular story in the press.
Then to the bones of the story - Is it a lie?
In this case, their numbers seem to match official numbers from the government, but they go on to mention a peak during covid - What do you expect?
What they also fail to mention is Indonesia's numbers are roughly in line with the same demographic groups in the UK and US.
That suggests it is unlikely to be the Indonesian government's fault, and more likely a general thing caused by other factors - perhaps lack of experience or mollycoddled kids with no appetite for work.

Moaning is not going to get you a job

Benedictus Cahyo Kuncoro, a 23-year-old Indonesian who graduated last August with an IT degree, has been unable to find a job since then because he says he has far fewer skills than companies demand.

I tend not to believe the JakPost
What they also fail to mention is Indonesia's numbers are roughly in line with the same demographic groups in the UK and US.
That suggests it is unlikely to be the Indonesian government's fault, and more likely a general thing caused by other factors - perhaps lack of experience or mollycoddled kids with no appetite for work.

Moaning is not going to get you a job
US and UK have 15% and 17% Gen Z unemployment, while Indonesia has 22%. On the top of it, developed countries have a social security net, so you will not starve if you do not work neither you need to manage a crossroad.

Indonesia has a structural problem with the educational system lacking quality and having mismatch with real needs of the society and the economy, which is government's fault. Any employer can testify how hard is finding skilled workforce.
US and UK have 15% and 17% Gen Z unemployment, while Indonesia has 22%. On the top of it, developed countries have a social security net, so you will not starve if you do not work neither you need to manage a crossroad.

Indonesia has a structural problem with the educational system lacking quality and having mismatch with real needs of the society and the economy, which is government's fault. Any employer can testify how hard is finding skilled workforce.
Indonesia's education system appears to have problems, and they need to be fixed.
I don't really know enough about how they work, they seem to choose education ministers without the required level of skill to sort out the system. Perhaps they could look at what China did after the last actually communist chairman died, then copy it.
, they seem to choose education ministers without the required level of skill to sort out the system
Not only in Indonesia !
National Education is a mess in France and education level is going backwards.
Since Macron is President (7 years) we are at our fifth Minister of National Education.
The one before the actual lasted 28 days...
She was sacked because she publicly declared to reporters that her kids were in a private school because she didn't trust the public schools..... Unbelievable !
Not only in Indonesia !
National Education is a mess in France and education level is going backwards.
Since Macron is President (7 years) we are at our fifth Minister of National Education.
The one before the actual lasted 28 days...
She was sacked because she publicly declared to reporters that her kids were in a private school because she didn't trust the public schools..... Unbelievable !
It's the same in Indonesia, with the Doctors! Most of the time, I went to see a Doctor here, they were unqualified to do the work I needed, and just sat on their Asses, and just gave me a BS consultation, and some ineffective cream, and pushed me out the door, and gave me a recommendation to go see another BS, ineffective Doctor! They basically bought their degrees! More Corruption, at its finest!
National education....mess..... ministers

What some here seem to forget is that a minister is supported by a dedicated department of civil servants that don't change every 4-5 years and which is independent from the political parties.

And in a multi party government the minister is supposed to execute what was in the governing agreement those parties agreed on.

So it is not so dependent on that one person that you see making statements in the press.

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