Immigration Services disruption - Jun 2024


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2016
I haven't flown in or out of the country but I've heard there is some chaos at Indonesian entry ports due to Immigrasi systems being down.

Has anyone arrived since the system went down yesterday? I have a mate arriving (kitas) tonight and my boyfriend (kitas again) coming tomorrow evening.
Yes, this is circulating on FB.


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I haven't flown in or out of the country but I've heard there is some chaos at Indonesian entry ports due to Immigrasi systems being down.

Has anyone arrived since the system went down yesterday? I have a mate arriving (kitas) tonight and my boyfriend (kitas again) coming tomorrow evening.
from 5:40pm yesterday on Twitter:

Jun 20

Square profile picture

Ditjen Imigrasi


Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang dialami ya, Kak. Saat ini terjadi gangguan teknis pada server Pusat Data Nasional (PDN) Kominfo yang berdampak pada semua layanan keimigrasian. Kami terus mengupayakan agar layanan tetap berjalan. Terima kasih.
Translated from Indonesian by
Sorry for the inconvenience experienced, Sis. Currently there is a technical problem with the Kominfo National Data Center (PDN) server which has an impact on all immigration services. We continue to strive to keep the service running.Thank You.
Their Twitter feed goes on to say (at about 6 pm yesterday) that they will inform the public immediately when the systems are fixed and normal...
Nothing reporting that they are fixed/normal yet...
but then again... this is Indonesia & they might well forget to mention that bit.

Edit - to add the link to ditjen imigrasi twitter:
Since the launch of the online application systems "molina" and "evisa," numerous issues have arisen. If you check the FB group, you'll see reports of people losing money, waiting for months, and struggling to contact immigration through email, chat, and WhatsApp with little to no response. Immigration occasionally replies to a few messages or emails but then goes silent.

Someone needs to take responsibility and be held accountable for this fiasco. An apology alone won't resolve the situation.
There are rumors about a cyber attack, likely ransomware.

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