Ibu Kota Negara and IT problems


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2016
We are all familiar with the difficulties if not impossibilities found when people have tried to process visas on line. My wife has just had a friend, expert in the field, try unsuccessfully to process an application for me on line for BPJS. I really wonder how government might function once departments start relocating in Kalimantan and of course the social needs for public servants needing to maintain contact with family. Is anyone aware of any special address to related issues of the internet and administration needs as we move closer to the first relocations?
We are all familiar with the difficulties if not impossibilities found when people have tried to process visas on line. My wife has just had a friend, expert in the field, try unsuccessfully to process an application for me on line for BPJS. I really wonder how government might function once departments start relocating in Kalimantan and of course the social needs for public servants needing to maintain contact with family. Is anyone aware of any special address to related issues of the internet and administration needs as we move closer to the first relocations?
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Does your wife have BPJS? If so just go to the office and ask them to add you to hers. Was told no before trying this method but doing it this way worked.
Yes, she went yesterday to Renon, a bugger of a trip, and found there was such crowd waiting so hoped it might be done on line. Alack, alas she is now going to the office early morning but expecting it will take hours.
Yes, she went yesterday to Renon, a bugger of a trip, and found there was such crowd waiting so hoped it might be done on line. Alack, alas she is now going to the office early morning but expecting it will take hours.
In your post earlier, you mentioned that you still had a seperate kartu keluarga and that you and your wife had to go to Bandung to arrange for one kk for the both of you. Is that already the case?

I am asking, because I am about to put some energy in arranging one kk for my wife and I.
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I think I am now on my wife's kartu keluarga.
In your post earlier, you mentioned that you still had a seperate kartu keluarga and that you and your wife had to go to Bandung to arrange for one kk for the both of you. Is that already the case?

I am asking, because I am about to put some energy in arranging one kk for my wife and I.
Sorry, I thought I had replied. Yes, am on wife's KK. Yesterday she went early to Renon and was first to be served. By the time she finished there was already a crowd waiting. Then to BCA to make first payment I am to set up ongoing payments on 20th, get a payment receipt and then back to Renon to pick up card. A great pity that on line systems for BPJS immigration and many other official sites are nigh impossible to use as traffic now is getting so much worse.
I think I am now on my wife's kartu keluarga.

Sorry, I thought I had replied. Yes, am on wife's KK. Yesterday she went early to Renon and was first to be served. By the time she finished there was already a crowd waiting. Then to BCA to make first payment I am to set up ongoing payments on 20th, get a payment receipt and then back to Renon to pick up card. A great pity that on line systems for BPJS immigration and many other official sites are nigh impossible to use as traffic now is getting so much worse.
Thanks for your answer! Congrats are in order for succesfully applying BPJS.
1. Your wife did the application for you by herself? What documents did she bring?
2. Is it really necessary to have a kartu keluarga with both your names on it?
1 Yes, wife made application. She had also done the various visa applications. The KK Id Kitap and whenever making applications basically takes everything just in case, passport, wedding certificate birth certificate.

2 As I did not make the application I am not sure but I think you must have the KK with both names on it.

Patience and good luck.
I think I am now on my wife's kartu keluarga.

Sorry, I thought I had replied. Yes, am on wife's KK. Yesterday she went early to Renon and was first to be served. By the time she finished there was already a crowd waiting. Then to BCA to make first payment I am to set up ongoing payments on 20th, get a payment receipt and then back to Renon to pick up card. A great pity that on line systems for BPJS immigration and many other official sites are nigh impossible to use as traffic now is getting so much worse.
Does your wife not have the BPJS app? When i took care of my husband's earlier this year, they told me don't bother, you have it in your phone.
Thanks for your answer! Congrats are in order for succesfully applying BPJS.
1. Your wife did the application for you by herself? What documents did she bring?
2. Is it really necessary to have a kartu keluarga with both your names on it?
Answer for #2, yes. BPJS registration is based on your KK. We went back and forth last year to get my husband to register, it was all for nothing. Until they told me that my husband has to be in the same KK with you because of the system.
I texted our contact the Jakarta Selatan civil registry and asked them if we can have that done because there were places that it would not be allowed (Bekasi, for example). They said that it can be done, I just need to bring a letter requesting for the update and his old KK to be returned to them.

It was done in one sitting. The next day I went to BPJS Jakarta selatan, they told me to do it online. Tried that for a month, nothing. Then I went back to BPJS office, they saw what the problem was and they registered him on the spot.
on the 20th of the month, I had to pay for his membership activation, and that was it.
Answer for #2, yes. BPJS registration is based on your KK. We went back and forth last year to get my husband to register, it was all for nothing. Until they told me that my husband has to be in the same KK with you because of the system.
I texted our contact the Jakarta Selatan civil registry and asked them if we can have that done because there were places that it would not be allowed (Bekasi, for example). They said that it can be done, I just need to bring a letter requesting for the update and his old KK to be returned to them.

It was done in one sitting. The next day I went to BPJS Jakarta selatan, they told me to do it online. Tried that for a month, nothing. Then I went back to BPJS office, they saw what the problem was and they registered him on the spot.
on the 20th of the month, I had to pay for his membership activation, and that was it.
Well, I have now just to pay for membership activation on the 20th and then go to Renon for the card.

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