Raising a child in Indonesia was fantastic. My son was born in 1998, so he lived in Indonesia from about 1.5 yrs old to 4, and then again from age 8 until he left for college.
At the time he was born, his father and I were both reasonably competent Indonesian speakers so we made sure he was fully bilingual (we did not speak Indonesian with him, but we made sure that he spent a lot of time with Indonesians, who were instructed never to use English with him even if they spoke it). Indonesians were so enchanted to hear native-level Indonesian coming out of the mouth of this little blonde kid! He was adored by all the adults around him; I think he had the best childhood on record in the entire universe.
You may not have the opportunity or desire to raise your child bilingual.* (Also, I should note that he lost all his Indonesian when we moved to Egypt, and even when we moved back he never regained it, sadly but predictably.) But bilingual aspirations or not, Indonesia is a fabulous place to have a little kid. You will almost certainly be able to afford a competent, loving nanny, which makes parenting much less stressful.
*I do recommend it though. It's good for executive function. Even though my son didn't retain his bilingualism, I'm quite certain it gave a real boost to his early childhood development.