In your previous assertion you compared Russians with Nazi/Hitler, which does not make sense, as the Russian troops are in fact the key forces that ended up the WW2, stopping NAZI/Hitler expansion to the east and then defeating them. Russian Army stopped Nazi/Hitler expansion to the east, attacking them from the East and then invaded the east Berlin, Nazi / Hitler. If not because of the Russian army, Hitler would not be committing a suicide in a bunker in Berlin which marked up the end of WW2 and the NAZI / Hitler ambition. Keep in mind Russia also lost a lot of their troops in stopping NAZI / Hitler ambition. There are a lot of histories regarding WW2. NAZI / Hitler on discovery, yesterday channel.
It will need a differentiation between bad leader and generalising of ordinary people/citizen. If you travel to Germany, Austria where Hitler were originally from you will see the people attitude especially the young generation about the war, Nazi/Hitler and what they have done to Jews people around the world. In fact, Germany, Austria are among the countries that have made up the denial of Holocaust illegal. All of the people in these countries who lostand suffered the WW2 have learnt the hard lessons.
You could see different types of people, leaders around the world. There are bad good people, Just look at Russian people, how they contribute to the US / UK Economy. Many of wealthy Russian Aristocrats are immigrating to the US and the UK
Not to mention, the new generation like the most renown people Valentina Shevchenko, Maria Sharapova, Anna Kournikova, Vitalik Buterin, Khabib Nurmagomedov, Islam Makhachev, etc. Other one Alexander Golovin, Natalia Osipova, Erik Bulatov Natalia Vodianova, Andrey Andreev. Are the Indonesians people do not want to see these people to live and make Indonesia as their home. Well a few are not, especially those who can not compete, those who afraid losing of their monopoly businesses.
Russians who flee to Bali and around the world are avoiding the war. Put yourself on their shoes. Staying in Russia you might get picked up and be sent to the frontline line to fight the war that you yourself do not support.
Indonesian government has very little to lose as they pay for their residency. In the meanwhile, there is no benefit or social security they will get in return from the Indonesian Government.