How annoying.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2016
Ohh dear, how annoying for the movers and shakers when the lower classes complain loudly about what they see as corruption amongst the ranks of their betters. Revelations of massive corruption are usually responded to with indignant denials and claims of lies and distortions. Poor Najib, former Malaysian prime minister, for example, who is finally about to go to gaol for simply receiving gifts from Saudi friends for some $600 million and still counting.

The Guardian today carries a titillating story about the lovely House of Lords Peer Baroness Michelle Mone who received 29 million pounds and her husband Douglas Barrowman who received 45.8 million pounds for successfully lobbying on behalf of PPE Medpro which received a Covid related contract from the British government for 203 Million pounds.

A lawyer for Barrowman and Medpro reassures us that it is all nonsense. "For the time being we are also instructed to say that there is much inaccuracy in the portrayal of the alleged ‘facts’ and a number of them are completely wrong.”

For those petty minded amongst us who begrudge our betters receiving rewards for their hard work here is a link to the full story.
I see Anwar has been appointed Prime Minister in Malaysia. A big disappointment for Najib who was expecting a newly elected UMNO to retain control and immediately drop all charges against the former PM. I imagine someone will whisper to Anwar that there could be a lot of money if he would pardon Najib. An interesting test for the new PM.

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