
Jan 21, 2022
Hi guys, name's Peter and I am a drum teacher.

Why I love drum? Well, to be honest it reminded me about the pulse inside our heart. So yeah without rhythm and beat, life will go flat my friend....

Been teaching since 2010, I also teach at Jakarta International School also at Australian Independent School and it's been fun, because when I met people and they are excited about drumming, it makes me feel joy and refresh, especially when it comes to "Hey, can you teach me how to play disco?", OH YEAH!! Lets Dance! (>.<). You can't buy those excitement and happiness at that moment.

I guess that is it for my short introduction, thank you for your time reading this.

I hope you guys don't lose your rhythm and beat in your life, create such wonderful moment in your life guys, make it worth, I wish you all the best.

Welcome to the forum! I taught after-school music classes in Javanese gamelan at both JIS and AIS between 2008 and 2018 or so (I'm too lazy to look up exactly when), and those experiences were fun and enlightening.

It must be quite rewarding to expose kids to drumming. I imagine that almost all kids take to it instinctively. Ever have any kids who were cautious/resistant/clueless? Did you manage to reach them over time?
Welcome to the forum! I taught after-school music classes in Javanese gamelan at both JIS and AIS between 2008 and 2018 or so (I'm too lazy to look up exactly when), and those experiences were fun and enlightening.

It must be quite rewarding to expose kids to drumming. I imagine that almost all kids take to it instinctively. Ever have any kids who were cautious/resistant/clueless? Did you manage to reach them over time?
Dear Puspa,

Well, when we teach kids (especially those who have lot I mean a LOTS of energy), its challenging at the first time, but yes I manage to teach them without any problem. Just like you said >> kids who were cautious/resistant/clueless, yes I met them all and I taught them well. We just need to find that "click" with those kids, hehe.

Since you do Gamelan, I bet it's even more than that ya? hahaha, but for me that is the art and I always ask myself, "why do you want to become a teacher?", most teacher can't comprehend that well, the meaning of being a teacher.

But yet again, all is well and awesome for me to have that kinds of opportunity to teach those kids.

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