Getting surat keterangan kehilangan kewarganegaraan

I have some questions, I hope you don't mind. Because I am very insecure to manage it my self.

My question is : The surat tanda terima paspor RI (legalized with indonesian notary) is that enough to fill the requirement UPLOAD DOCUMENT no 2 : foto kopi paspor RI, surat yg bersifat paspor atau surat lain yg membuktikan bahwa pemohon adalah WNI.

Since I can not provide legalized last RI passport because I have only the copy of the passport (I have surrendered the passport by embassy).

Thank you.

Copy of passport should be OK, because they just want proof that you were once WNI. Another alternative document you can provide is your Akte Kelahiran.
Copy of passport should be OK, because they just want proof that you were once WNI. Another alternative document you can provide is your Akte Kelahiran.
Thanks for your input. I hope it wont'be a problem too. They asked only 4 documents to send actually : legalized akte kelahiran, paspor/surat bersifat paspor/surat yg menunjukkan pemohon WNI, surat naturalisasi dan 2 pas foto. En extra is surat tanda terima penyerahan paspor RI from embassy.
oh when i applied the first time i still had my old passport so i didnt have that issue. i would suggest to email to their customer service email. when i did ask, they gave me a whatsapp number of a very helpful officer.
thank you for your fast responds and tips. I really appreciate it.
Congrats you guys for being able to get this letter and do whatever you need to do. By the time I needed that letter, I had left the US for quite a few years, and instead of trying to contact the Indonesian consulate for the letter I asked my agent to work it out with the Department kehakiman to get my 'surat kehilangan kewarganegaraan'. I guess I was concerned I'd get the condescending treatment I had gotten many years ago so I decided not to contact them. Also I didn't get the receipt for penyerahan passport as at the time of me giving my expired passport to them, it was for a renewal/extension until they saw my green card and they refused to do it. Ping ponged me for four months until somebody told me to just 'don't go back and be a US citizen instead'. I paid so much money through my agent I am beyond embarrassed to admit it, but I am sure those people at the kehakiman ate pretty good that month and some. Agent I'm pretty sure did too although he claimed he didn't profit off it....

but again, good for you guys to be able to do this on your own!
Congrats you guys for being able to get this letter and do whatever you need to do. By the time I needed that letter, I had left the US for quite a few years, and instead of trying to contact the Indonesian consulate for the letter I asked my agent to work it out with the Department kehakiman to get my 'surat kehilangan kewarganegaraan'. I guess I was concerned I'd get the condescending treatment I had gotten many years ago so I decided not to contact them. Also I didn't get the receipt for penyerahan passport as at the time of me giving my expired passport to them, it was for a renewal/extension until they saw my green card and they refused to do it. Ping ponged me for four months until somebody told me to just 'don't go back and be a US citizen instead'. I paid so much money through my agent I am beyond embarrassed to admit it, but I am sure those people at the kehakiman ate pretty good that month and some. Agent I'm pretty sure did too although he claimed he didn't profit off it....

but again, good for you guys to be able to do this on your own!
to be honest I was anticipating poor treatment but so far the officers have been good to me. I have no complaint other than poor documentation on the process.
Congrats you guys for being able to get this letter and do whatever you need to do. By the time I needed that letter, I had left the US for quite a few years, and instead of trying to contact the Indonesian consulate for the letter I asked my agent to work it out with the Department kehakiman to get my 'surat kehilangan kewarganegaraan'. I guess I was concerned I'd get the condescending treatment I had gotten many years ago so I decided not to contact them. Also I didn't get the receipt for penyerahan passport as at the time of me giving my expired passport to them, it was for a renewal/extension until they saw my green card and they refused to do it. Ping ponged me for four months until somebody told me to just 'don't go back and be a US citizen instead'. I paid so much money through my agent I am beyond embarrassed to admit it, but I am sure those people at the kehakiman ate pretty good that month and some. Agent I'm pretty sure did too although he claimed he didn't profit off it....

but again, good for you guys to be able to do this on your own!
I think we have to give credit to the system having improved through the years as well in addition to erhizzle and RTM's courage to navigate the bureaucracy.

The fact that erhizzle is doing it before he comes to Indonesia as an ex-WNI rather than years down the track is a sure sign of improvement. The AHU guy explained to me that the way it was supposed to work was that you're supposed to get a receipt when you hand in the Indonesian passport and that at the first opportunity, apply for the surat kehilangan kewarganegaraan. I told him nobody gave my any receipt or told me to apply for anything at which point he sighed and said "Yeah, it can be pretty hard to run the system as it's supposed to be." This was in 2018.

to be honest I was anticipating poor treatment but so far the officers have been good to me. I have no complaint other than poor documentation on the process.
They are, from my experience, also clean. When it was taking weeks for my surat to be processed, I asked through my agent whether they wanted "administration". The agent said everybody there just kept on repeating "our fees are listed on our website" even when there's no one around.

And when they said that it was taking a long time because the guy that was supposed to sign the surat was legit on an overseas trip to the various embassies and consulates and explain about the SAKE online application, it turned out to be true.
Congrats you guys for being able to get this letter and do whatever you need to do. By the time I needed that letter, I had left the US for quite a few years, and instead of trying to contact the Indonesian consulate for the letter I asked my agent to work it out with the Department kehakiman to get my 'surat kehilangan kewarganegaraan'. I guess I was concerned I'd get the condescending treatment I had gotten many years ago so I decided not to contact them. Also I didn't get the receipt for penyerahan passport as at the time of me giving my expired passport to them, it was for a renewal/extension until they saw my green card and they refused to do it. Ping ponged me for four months until somebody told me to just 'don't go back and be a US citizen instead'. I paid so much money through my agent I am beyond embarrassed to admit it, but I am sure those people at the kehakiman ate pretty good that month and some. Agent I'm pretty sure did too although he claimed he didn't profit off it....

but again, good for you guys to be able to do this on your own!

I understand you have been residing in Indonesia for may years. I just wonder if you want to travel to neighbouring coutries or even to the US for Holiday, family relatives visit, do you still use your US passport and presumably keep getting renewed in the US embassy in Jakarta ??
My wife's NIK was still active even after out if the country 35 years. Got travel doc from consulate, high up family presented travel doc at immigration, was stamped, walked past customs, with uniformed family, and received her new, and current KTP and KK upon exiting the airport which was appled for before her return.

Many that have left the country are in fact still Indonesian citizens. I seen the UU but it was 10 years ago and I can't remember which one it was but I remember being directed to the part where it says to lose one's citizenship, it will be posted publicly. They just don't do that it seems. I doubt they do anything unless you inform them you have taken on a different citizenship. My wife never became a US citizen simply because we always had plans to return to Indonesia at retirement and knew that no matter what, not picking up a US citizenship would make that return easier.

I wonder about your wife's experience applying for a new travel document. e.g passport . I understand she still has KTP and KK what about other requirement e.g asking the old Indonesian passports, etc ??
I wonder about your wife's experience applying for a new travel document. e.g passport . I understand she still has KTP and KK what about other requirement e.g asking the old Indonesian passports, etc ??
She had all those, along with birth certificate and documents of her parents. She did not have a KK. Consulate told her on the first visit to go to the Indian consulate since she was half Indian and has an Indian name. They were advised to look at the paperwork. They blew her off and never got back to her. We approached a relative in Indonesia who took it to a friend in an Indonesian Cousulate in another country who gave him all the actual details and in a few weeks got a call from the Consulate to pick up her travel documents. A UU was sent to our Consulate from the other Consulate and it was durring this wait we were also sent the UU that stated the loss of citizenship must be posted publicly. I am sorry, I do not have that UU at this time.

I am not giving you any slick way to get things done. UUs change as well as attitudes. It worked for us and I give a lot of credit to a relative that is involved in government law enforcement and the fact her father worked directly for President Sukarno as personal security and later went in the be head of security at a major oil company here prior to becoming Pertamina. There were no questions at Immigration at the airport but that was because as she entered the airport she was met by two government officials in uniform with bright shinny badges who escorted her past Immigration and one of them had her travel document stamped. There were no questions, everything was in order and legal. No Customs stop. 5 minutes through arrivals. She had family connections and a favorable family history. In all likelyhood, without that it probably would have all gone differently. No cash ever exchanged hands except for her new KTP at Rp100,000. Everything else gratis. (unless her sister was involved who thinks that every gov agent should get cash before they ever expect it)
I understand you have been residing in Indonesia for may years. I just wonder if you want to travel to neighbouring coutries or even to the US for Holiday, family relatives visit, do you still use your US passport and presumably keep getting renewed in the US embassy in Jakarta ??
I use my US passport only. No more of that green stuff (a.k.a Indonesian passport). Coming back to US with the US passport is always very easy. They looked at the passport, didn't even spend 30 seconds, stamped it and said "Welcome home" It is the greatest feeling. Ironically, leaving Indonesia or (entering) with the blue passport always gives me that weird feeling as they looked at me and the US passport. Same with my trip to Australia a few years ago. Immigration guy glanced at my passport, asked where I wanted to go, I said 'Yarra Valley" and he went on about how great the wines there, barely looked at my photo, stamped my passport and off I went. They definitely spent more time asking my wife on purpose of visiting/where she's staying, etc. Singapore is also the same. Only hiccup i had was when i went to Vietnam...thinking that US citizens don't need visa to go there (oops). It was a long 3 hours sorting things out at the airport along with about 100 other foreign travelers. Never again.
She had all those, along with birth certificate and documents of her parents. She did not have a KK. Consulate told her on the first visit to go to the Indian consulate since she was half Indian and has an Indian name. They were advised to look at the paperwork. They blew her off and never got back to her. We approached a relative in Indonesia who took it to a friend in an Indonesian Cousulate in another country who gave him all the actual details and in a few weeks got a call from the Consulate to pick up her travel documents. A UU was sent to our Consulate from the other Consulate and it was durring this wait we were also sent the UU that stated the loss of citizenship must be posted publicly. I am sorry, I do not have that UU at this time.

I am not giving you any slick way to get things done. UUs change as well as attitudes. It worked for us and I give a lot of credit to a relative that is involved in government law enforcement and the fact her father worked directly for President Sukarno as personal security and later went in the be head of security at a major oil company here prior to becoming Pertamina. There were no questions at Immigration at the airport but that was because as she entered the airport she was met by two government officials in uniform with bright shinny badges who escorted her past Immigration and one of them had her travel document stamped. There were no questions, everything was in order and legal. No Customs stop. 5 minutes through arrivals. She had family connections and a favorable family history. In all likelyhood, without that it probably would have all gone differently. No cash ever exchanged hands except for her new KTP at Rp100,000. Everything else gratis. (unless her sister was involved who thinks that every gov agent should get cash before they ever expect it)
It seems it is quite unusual way as it was processed in the consulate in another country and not from the consular of the country where you were residing at that time.

From some stories I have read, some Indonesian people leaving in other countries for many years, do not even get their Indonesian passport renewed. These people will definitely have trouble to travel back to Indonesia and other countries.
In your wife case she got, travel document as temporary passport.
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It seems it is quite unusual way as it was processed in the consulate in another country and not from the consular of the country where you were residing at that time.

From some stories I have read, some Indonesian people leaving in other countries for many years, do not even get their Indonesian passport renewed. These people will definitely have trouble to travel back to Indonesia and other countries.
In your wife case she got, travel document as temporary passport.
It wasn't processed in a different country. The information concerning the UU was sent from a different counsulate to the one we had to go to because counsulate personnel are no different than the average government office here. Not to up to date or familute with their own government guidelines. Yes, she got a temp passport. Valid for 1 year and one trip. Upon arrival she got new KTP, KK, and her new passport.
For @erhizzle and @dannyboy - how do you satisfy requirement #4 from ?

surat keterangan dari perwakilan negara asing bahwa dengan kehilangan Kewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia pemohon akan menjadi warga negara asing
"A statement from the representative of the foreign country that with the loss of Indonesian citizenship, the applicant will become a citizen of that country" (translated with some paraphrasing)

The guide that @dannyboy linked has something a bit different - 'surat keterangan naturalisasi' - so presumably the naturalization certificate is enough, but you must get it translated to Indonesian by an approved translator?

I wonder if I can get the translation done in the US - looks like Indonesian consulates do notarizing but not translation.
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For @erhizzle and @dannyboy - how do you satisfy requirement #4 from ?

"A statement from the representative of the foreign country that with the loss of Indonesian citizenship, the applicant will become a citizen of that country" (translated with some paraphrasing)

The guide that @dannyboy linked has something a bit different - 'surat keterangan naturalisasi' - so presumably the naturalization certificate is enough, but you must get it translated to Indonesian by an approved translator?

I wonder if I can get the translation done in the US - looks like Indonesian consulates do notarizing but not translation.
Mine was a statement from the overseas consulate saying that I've surrendered my Indonesian passport due to my new citizenship. Then I got that translated into english through a sworn translator service.

This letter then become the required document to process 'surat kehilangan kewarganegaraan' issued by AHU.
Thanks! Uh, why would you need the English translation? It's only for use in Indonesia right?
Actually, you're right! Sorry, I must have gotten it mixed up. No, that is the one document I don't need to translate since it is written in Indonesian.
I have question regarding surat pelepasan kewarganegaraan as I am applying too at KBRI. Can I use my KTP or is it still active to open bank account or securities account after they approved my status kehilangan WNI?
According to the explanation from the Minister of Law and Human Rights, if you acquire citizenship from another country before formally renouncing your Indonesian citizenship, you are still considered an Indonesian citizen. This is particularly relevant in cases involving criminal charges, such as the case of Paulus Tanos, who now holds South African citizenship.

This guy beside he is a minister, he is also one of prominent Indonesian law expert, professor and practitioner in Law, especially constitutional law. What he said is also written in governmental regulation PP_No_2_2007.

Whether it is true or not such case will need to be challenged in the constitutional court. But before there is ruling from constitutional court, this is the Indonesian government and law enforcer are believing and thus enforcing.
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