Fertility checks for marriage


Dec 2, 2021
Been reading here a long time but came across something new yesterday.
Sister in law is Indonesian and is starting to prepare for her marriage.
Yesterday she went to Pak Lurah to begin the process there. She was informed that it is required to have a full medical checkup, which includes fertility testing and TORCH testing, and also her foreign partner must provide fertility test results before marriage.

When I married this wasn't a requirement here.
Has anyone been married recently had to get these documents?
Never heard of such a thing but nothing surprises me any more with how certain areas think they can put in rules to control peoples lives. Can you share just where this is taking place?
I have never heard of fertility and TORCH testing being a requirement for marriage in Indonesia. My wife and I were married in the US, and never had either of those. What happens if one of the partners is infertile? Does this Pak Lurah refuse to allow postmenopausal women to marry?
I have never heard of fertility and TORCH testing being a requirement for marriage in Indonesia. My wife and I were married in the US, and never had either of those. What happens if one of the partners is infertile? Does this Pak Lurah refuse to allow postmenopausal women to marry?
I look at these requirements as being against human rights and duscrimination if a person for some reason can not conceive. Why do I get this feeling this is some kind of local rule by someone influanced by the Islam desire to populate as much as possible.
This is in Surabaya.
From what I can gather it is not to give permission to marry, but for couples to know in advance the person they are marrying is able to have children and has no medical conditions.

I personally think it is none of their business and shouldn't be happening at all, but it seems to be a requirement here now. It was requested that she has checkup before getting the N1, N2, N3, N4 docs.
I guess this is yet more proof that it is better to get married outside Indonesia if at all possible.
This is in Surabaya.
From what I can gather it is not to give permission to marry, but for couples to know in advance the person they are marrying is able to have children and has no medical conditions.

I personally think it is none of their business and shouldn't be happening at all, but it seems to be a requirement here now. It was requested that she has checkup before getting the N1, N2, N3, N4 docs.

What if they don't want to have children?
As for Jakarta, no information on fertilty test yet but as for health screening, Governor Rulling No. 185, 2017 on Counseling and Health Screening for Future Bride and Groom. Article 9 on Screening Strategic states the the Future Bride and Groom can voluntarily conduct health test. On the other side, Article 14 on Duties if Kelurahan stipulates that Kelurahan are obligated to ensure that the future bride and groom have a certificate/health test. So, screwed up.

The test are deemed important to fight the mortality rate of unhealthy mothers and her future babies. These test are primarily targeted at the lower class of society which is considered to have a higher risk of exposure to an unhealthy lifestyle. Well, that's their reasoning.

I'll keep asking about fertility testing. As for Surabaya, I can only guess they may have something simular on the books for health test.
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