Excel Dashboard MasterClass Training (24-25, 2019) Jakarta

Jan 2, 2019
Join our Practical and step-by-step training program and Learn to Create Dynamic and Self Updating Reports on your own.

“Create Management Dashboards With Excel (Jakarta, Jan 24-25, 2019)” is now open for registration. To register for the course please click https://www.intellisoft.com.sg/dashboard-registration-international.html

In this 2 DAY Workshop (9AM - 5PM on both days) you will learn How to :
  • Convert Data Into Actionable Information
  • Analyze Data in Unique Ways, using Powerful Pivot Table Techniques
  • Build Stunning Reporting Dashboards in Microsoft Excel 2010, 2013, 2016 or Office 365
  • Use Advanced Excel Functions & Formulas for Creating Dynamic Reports Quickly and Save Time
  • Present Insights with Thermometer, Pareto & Other Useful Chart Types to get birds-eye view of the Business
  • Record Macros for Creating Interactive Reports with Buttons without any Programming or coding
  • Design Dynamic Management Reports to Portray KPIs & Summary Information Efficiently
  • And Loads More Useful Tricks & Shortcuts to Maximize Excel for Analysis & Reporting

Target Audience: Business & Data Analysts from Sales, Marketing, Finance analysts, IT, Engineers, Project Managers, Directors, Senior Managers & C-Level Executives.

Training Venue: Hotel in Central Jakarta.

Course Fee: SGD 700 per person.

To find out more click https://www.intellisoft.com.sg/excel-pivots-charts-dashboards-masterclass.html

If you have any questions, feel free to call or WhatsApp at +65-9877-3485 or send an email to [email protected] to reserve your seat.
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Why start a new thread rather than simply updating your first effort?

Link to first effort: https://forum.expatindo.org/threads...ng-on-jan-10-11-2019-jakarta.4311/#post-57365

As mentioned earlier, it is telling, that your first advertisement included no details regarding duration, location or cost, let alone a content syllabus. Although duration and location are included now, I am still wondering what the seminar costs. When a vendor posts an advertisement for a service or product and fails to publish the cost, I am immediately suspicious that what is on offer is no bargain. Post the price and prove me wrong.
Lesson 1 fail
Click here, email there, wtf
No thanks. I'm going to busy that day anyway. I will have flu
...If not, you may need to call the mods onboard to merge your posts.
Why start a new thread rather than simply updating your first effort?

Link to first effort: https://forum.expatindo.org/threads...ng-on-jan-10-11-2019-jakarta.4311/#post-57365

As mentioned earlier, it is telling, that your first advertisement included no details regarding duration, location or cost, let alone a content syllabus. Although duration and location are included now, I am still wondering what the seminar costs. When a vendor posts an advertisement for a service or product and fails to publish the cost, I am immediately suspicious that what is on offer is no bargain. Post the price and prove me wrong.

Moderation note:

Removed the other thread, since this one contains more information.
Why start a new thread rather than simply updating your first effort?

Link to first effort: https://forum.expatindo.org/threads...ng-on-jan-10-11-2019-jakarta.4311/#post-57365 (Per the moderation post above, the linked thread has been deleted.)

As mentioned earlier, it is telling, that your first advertisement included no details regarding duration, location or cost, let alone a content syllabus. Although duration and location are included now, I am still wondering what the seminar costs. When a vendor posts an advertisement for a service or product and fails to publish the cost, I am immediately suspicious that what is on offer is no bargain. Post the price and prove me wrong.

Noted indeed .... perhaps the training is a bargain at Rp. 7,275,000 ($517 USD) for the two day session.
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There is a price.
Yes, I needed to scroll down to see that the cost is 700 Singapore Dollars. At the current exchange rate (10,393.54 IDR per SGD) that would be Rp. 7,275,000.

My apologies to Intellisoft Training; I will update my earlier comment.
But the price is not shown here you have to click somewhere

That's a lot of tea and biscuits I have to eat to break even
Is there water and little mints too?
How about pen and paper?
And the little hat to keep dust out of my water?
But the price is not shown here you have to click somewhere

That's a lot of tea and biscuits I have to eat to break even
Is there water and little mints too?
How about pen and paper?
And the little hat to keep dust out of my water?

It's right there in the first post. He added it right after the comment that recommended a price be added. You guys should chill out.
With all due respect, it wasn't on the original post
That has been edited and more information added and also 2 threads combined

Everytime I post, am I supposed to re-read the whole thread in case any posts have been edited?
Pretty sure originally no price was mentioned or I wouldn't have commented about it

Anyway, I won't be there
It didn't mention coffee or lunch yet either at time of writing unless that will be edited in later?
for 7 mill, I'd put it towards a new mac mini instead... crazy price.
Kindly Note, The Excel Dashboard Masterclass Training was previously conducted in Jakarta (OCT'18) by Intellisoft Systems.

Our Trainer Mr. Vinai has over 30 years of experience in Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Creating Management Reports and Dashboards for large and small companies. He has coached over 3,800+ students in Indonesia, Egypt, Dubai, India, Singapore, Zimbabwe, Malaysia and over 25 other countries.

The Training conducted previously had extremely good response.

To find out more about the training click https://www.intellisoft.com.sg/excel-pivots-charts-dashboards-masterclass.html

Do Join us if you are interested !
Sounds interesting, but steep price for Indonesia. Besides, tips and tricks without specific business context would not be optimal. Most people would end up learning stuff that they don't use in their daily job.

If you're a busy executive, it might be worth the fee. Otherwise it's better to pick up a good excel tutorial, then pick and choose the features applicable to your tasks. Microsoft Power BI is gratis, and it is very powerful for the price.

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