A few comments :I agree if there is no kid(s) involved .
Divorcing in Indonesia was easy , no stress . I participated in the divorce of my present wife too , and was also easy .
After 2 marriages , my relationship with the wives changed (it was better before marriage) .
I dated my first wife for years . But after marriage she changed drastically . The second wife also changed but not much .
I did marry again because she has children, and other factors .
- it has always been my rule that a women with young kids (under 20 / 25) is a nono. Besides the fact that I have no intention to care about another guy's kids, they having been brought up "local" style it's mission impossible to turn them to my "French" way.
It was made clear with the actual Miss (her son was 21 when we met), that I am not in charge of her kid or family and vice versa.
I get along well with her son on the rare occasions we meet. She get's along well with my 3, but it took a bit of time for her to understand that their mind is 100% Western.
Of course the difference of social, education and financial situation between hers and mine is a subject to avoid....
- Another thing : when we lived together in HKG, we were both immigrants (although of a different type..), since we live here she is a local and I am an immigrant. Big difference ! !
- My previous Thai wife followed me in France when, after 10 years in BKK my company moved me back. No problem for her, she had done UNI in France, lived there several years and was fluent in the language.
Never saw her again, but we are regulary in touch by phone to follow up on the kids.
No need to dramatize. It's life !
If my actual companion walks out (unlikely), no way I take another one. Spending 3 or 4 years to teach her French cooking ?

But I could have a (small) circle of "friends" at the dance ...