Well, we come back to what I posted
"When I got my French pension (at 61) I was working in Malaysia. The local manager (expat) offered.me to continue to work for them on a local contract at about 40% of my previous salary. You can guess my answer....."
Those people considered that, me receiving already a pension, I would accept a local contract lowering my "expat" salary by 60%.
I gently explained them that if my skills last month were valued 100 there is no way I am to give them those skills for 40.
And I rejected the offer. (From memory it was 2.000 $)
If today a local Bali company offers me a job (and if I was still 60 and skilled) I would not take it at that price.
Not being arrogant, but I value myself more than that.
Now there is a difference between teaching and managing a workshop or plant with 20 people, managing the technical, purchasing, subcons, stock management, finance, and H.R. aspects.
Indeed we are comparing apples to oranges.
Now compare a English reacher salary here and in HKG :
Teaching English experience, Average salaries, cost of living, TEFL qualification Find out more about teaching English in Hong Kong
- Expect an average monthly range of HK$30,000 - $62,000 (approximately $3,600 - $8,000/£3,024 - £6,720). Public schools offer stability with salaries between HK$25,000 - $70,000, while private language schools tend to be in the HK$18,000 - $25,000 range. International schools top the chart, with salaries reaching HK$30,000 - $80,000, but competition is higher."
Of course the cost of living is higher in HK, specially for lodging.