I am sure many of us are glad to learn that you wouldn't have moved as a young professional in the 1960's, to the end of the world for 1900 euro / month.
Nevertheless this is now the 21st century and the employment situation in Europe and generally all over the world, is a tad different than what it was in your time.
A country like France has 2,3 millions unemployed at the first trimester 2024, which is (officially) 7,5% of it's active population.
Only 88% of the
BAC+5 young graduates have found an employment 1 year after their graduation.
I wouldn't be surprise if some of them would make the choice to grab a job paid 1900 euro a month even if out of the country. Perhaps to get, what was that again, oh yeah... Life Experience.

They have all my respect and I don't belittle their choice on the ground that it would't be/wouldn't have been mine. I am lucky to never have been employed and dependant of a boss to decide what my income should be. However some don't have this chance.
Native English speaker includes South African for Example. Average salary in South Africa, if I believe
this link, is around 23.500 Rand (a bit less than 1200 Euro) and teachers in South Africa slightly below that. Perhaps that EUR 1.900 is something they would consider, and perhaps that the Pinoy you met in Bangkok and that you fell were accepting too low salaries did it because the proposed salary was above or way above what they could earn at home.
What may sound little for you may appear a lot for others.