Coronavirus words

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2019
I just saw the useful article on COVID-19 terms on the website. I have been trying to write down some as well, as and when I hear them (not all are covid-specific, but all are connected in some way). If any of these are wrong please let me know:

Pembatasan jarak sosial - social distancing
Lockdown - lockdown (!)
Gejala gejala - symptoms
Batuk gatal - itchy (dry) cough
Hari ini udah mending - today I feel better
Protokol pemulasaran jenazah - protocol for screening dead bodies
Sakit corona? - Are you suffering from COVID-19?
Dia kena corona - He got infected by COVID-19
Jahe merah - Red ginger (?) - traditional remedy
Also "Lockdown" - Lauk daun, Lock dont, Download

Last edited:
I just saw the useful article on COVID-19 terms on the website. I have been trying to write down some as well, as and when I hear them (not all are covid-specific, but all are connected in some way). If any of these are wrong please let me know:

Pembatasan jarak sosial - social distancing
Lockdown - lockdown (!)
Gejala gejala - symptoms
Batuk gatal - itchy (dry) cough
Hari ini udah mending - today I feel better
Protokol pemulasaran jenazah - protocol for screening dead bodies
Sakit corona? - Are you suffering from COVID-19?
Dia kena corona - He got infected by COVID-19
Jahe merah - Red ginger (?) - traditional remedy

Some good ones here, I will add it to the article. (y)
Pakai masker = Wear a mask
Sesak napas = Difficulty breathing
Cuci tangan pakai sabun = Washing hands with soap
Semprot pakai disinfektan = Spray with disinfectant

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