We are finishing up our summer vacation in Jakarta. I‘ve already finished up the 3 pound premium bacon that my wife brought back in May, while in Bandung.
I recall there being some discussions of butchers shops in Jakarta with a nice pork selection. Not sure what’s around these days, after Covid.
Thick cut bacon, large pork sausages, ham, etc. I’m tired of Aroma from grocery stores, and would prefer not to go the Shopee or Tokopedia route for perishables.
I love spicy Italian pork sausages, and have never seen them here.
I understand why pork is so expensive in Indonesia, while it's one of the cheaper meats in America. What I see is they try to raise these huge white pigs, that are more adaptable to cooler climates, and seem to need more doses of antibiotics to keep them healthy! It seems a more practical approach is to raise the black pot belly variety, that is more suitable to this tropical climate? Maybe because they are not as big, and fat as the white ones! It makes me sad to see how they are kept in small concrete pens, with no dirt to lie on. Also pigs need a nice mud pit, to cover their hides, to keep cooler!
I have seen pigs raised in the States, with lots of room to roam, and mud to wallow in, and they are very clean animals, that defecate far from their food source. I've heard they are actually smarter than dogs! I understand that here, there is limited space, so sadly, people tie up their cows, and keep their pigs in tiny pens. I've also noticed that the owners, rarely clean the pens, so that is why they stink so badly!
Because of such a huge human population, we unfortunately have to have these huge mega factory farms, which are prone to outbreaks of sickness and contamination! In the States, they have major outbreaks of Salmonella, and other bacteria caused illnesses, due to using the water downstream from huge cattle farms! I recommend to anyone that can, grow, and raise your own food and animals, for healthier living!