I think I will only build a foundation then place a prefab on the site. Importing from the EU, shipping, delivery, and taxes. Then strictly supervise the installation.The cost of building a house is often expressed in Rp/m².
In our area (East Java), the minimum cost for building a house is around Rp 2,5-3jt/m². Below that price you probably may not have a ceiling or tiles on your floor.
It depends on one's standards and there are no absolute lows, since you can save money on everything (quality and quantity of construction material).
Above 4jt/m² it should be pretty decent. But then again, it depends on your standards and also the area where you are building.
A prefab, really? By ship? One way to make sure a contractor is abiding by the approved standards is to have it in their contract with a loss of payment if not adhered to. Another way is to supervise yourself. No matter what get in writting that any and all problems that come to light in a given time are addressed properly by the contractor.I think I will only build a foundation then place a prefab on the site. Importing from the EU, shipping, delivery, and taxes. Then strictly supervise the installation.
I have visited some very expensive (6 billion idr) new construction here that will have major issues in 5 years. This is unheard of in the USA. The standards set by the government are not enforced, as mentioned. Buy then sue the builder for breach of standards?