Political commentator Muhammad Qodari said that to avoid polarization, Jokowi and Prabowo should run on a single ticket in 2024. Aside from the comedic value of this, there are of course multiple problems with this. First of all, Jokowi would need to change the constitution, as currently there is a 2-term limit for the presidency. However, changing the constitution only requires 50%+1 of the MPR votes, so that doesn't seem like a big hurdle.
The second problem is that maybe Prabowo doesn't want to keep playing a subordinate role to Jokowi. Then finally there is also a slew of other characters that want the job, not to say the least Jakarta governor, Anies Baswedan.
The second problem is that maybe Prabowo doesn't want to keep playing a subordinate role to Jokowi. Then finally there is also a slew of other characters that want the job, not to say the least Jakarta governor, Anies Baswedan.

Pengamat Politik Muhammad Qodari Usul Pasangan Jokowi-Prabowo 2024: Untuk Hadapi Polarisasi
Pengamat politik dari Indo Barometer Muhammad Qodari mengusulkan pasangan Jokowi-Prabowo maju dalam pemilu 2024.