Are you ready for Jokowi-Prabowo 2024?


Jul 13, 2016
Political commentator Muhammad Qodari said that to avoid polarization, Jokowi and Prabowo should run on a single ticket in 2024. Aside from the comedic value of this, there are of course multiple problems with this. First of all, Jokowi would need to change the constitution, as currently there is a 2-term limit for the presidency. However, changing the constitution only requires 50%+1 of the MPR votes, so that doesn't seem like a big hurdle.

The second problem is that maybe Prabowo doesn't want to keep playing a subordinate role to Jokowi. Then finally there is also a slew of other characters that want the job, not to say the least Jakarta governor, Anies Baswedan.

Political commentator Muhammad Qodari said that to avoid polarization, Jokowi and Prabowo should run on a single ticket in 2024. Aside from the comedic value of this, there are of course multiple problems with this. First of all, Jokowi would need to change the constitution, as currently there is a 2-term limit for the presidency. However, changing the constitution only requires 50%+1 of the MPR votes, so that doesn't seem like a big hurdle.

The second problem is that maybe Prabowo doesn't want to keep playing a subordinate role to Jokowi. Then finally there is also a slew of other characters that want the job, not to say the least Jakarta governor, Anies Baswedan.

Jokowi is an excellent president, but this is an abhorrent idea. Term Limits at the presidential level are absolutely critical to the survival of a young democracy. Eliminating term limits is the first step toward tyranny. Sure, Jokowi appears to have the potential of becoming a "benevolent dictator", but his successor might not be so benevolent. Jokowi needs to do the right thing and honor the constitution rather than throwing out its most important provision.
Jokowi is an excellent president, but this is an abhorrent idea. Term Limits at the presidential level are absolutely critical to the survival of a young democracy. Eliminating term limits is the first step toward tyranny. Sure, Jokowi appears to have the potential of becoming a "benevolent dictator", but his successor might not be so benevolent. Jokowi needs to do the right thing and honor the constitution rather than throwing out its most important provision.
And since this is not "The Cage", someday my comment here could get me deported or hidden away in a tropical gulag, but I believe in what I said.
Jokowi is an excellent president

This is a completely sincere question; why?

I get the impression he's doing a good job, but admit I haven't followed RI politics well enough to feel I can back up a that claim. I'm also surrounded by WNI that seem to mostly dislike him. So, I'm curious what things you would point to in making that confident assertion?
This is a completely sincere question; why?

I get the impression he's doing a good job, but admit I haven't followed RI politics well enough to feel I can back up a that claim. I'm also surrounded by WNI that seem to mostly dislike him. So, I'm curious what things you would point to in making that confident assertion?
He is a moderate in a country being besieged by KSA-funded religious fanatics. I am glad that he finally stepped up and disbanded FPI. He resists calls for bullsh*t policies such as the prohibition of alcohol. He has a pragmatic approach to foreign policy, following the precedent of being friends to all, but married to none. I would prefer lower tarriffs, but Jokowi has a strongly nationalistic and somewhat isolationist constituency. In sum, many world leaders are much worse than Jokowi!
He is a moderate in a country being besieged by KSA-funded religious fanatics. I am glad that he finally stepped up and disbanded FPI. He resists calls for bullsh*t policies such as the prohibition of alcohol. He has a pragmatic approach to foreign policy, following the precedent of being friends to all, but married to none. I would prefer lower tarriffs, but Jokowi has a strongly nationalistic and somewhat isolationist constituency. In sum, many world leaders are much worse than Jokowi!

Jokowi supporters I know also seem to be less in love with him than they were when he was first elected. The expected a more liberal and progressive president. Hell, the other thread I was just reading was about the police incentivizing citizens to report "crimes" that amount to free expression. But the alternatives could be much worse. Slow progress without the conservative backlash we've recently seen in the West is better the outright rule by the regressive factions.

Changing the election term limit is not something you should be doing while in office. It stinks to high hell.
At this point Prabowo is very likely to win in 2024. I’m just glad I wouldn’t be in Indonesia to experience it.
At this point Prabowo is very likely to win in 2024. I’m just glad I wouldn’t be in Indonesia to experience it.
I didn't even know he will run again(ps, that being said I don't don't doubt that he would try it again and I don't doubt that there are enough supporters). Iam not so well informed these days, since I try to keep myself out of any covid or politics discussions. It's better for my well being😅.
I don't check news as regularly as before.

Still, I also often asked myself. Who will we have to deal with. I doubt that Jokowi will or can change the law on presidential terms. So who will it be? Anies vs. Prabowo? I don't know. Iam just afraid what will happen next, things aren't getting better anywhere from my perspective.
I didn't even know he will run again(ps, that being said I don't don't doubt that he would try it again and I don't doubt that there are enough supporters). Iam not so well informed these days, since I try to keep myself out of any covid or politics discussions. It's better for my well being😅.
I don't check news as regularly as before.

Still, I also often asked myself. Who will we have to deal with. I doubt that Jokowi will or can change the law on presidential terms. So who will it be? Anies vs. Prabowo? I don't know. Iam just afraid what will happen next, things aren't getting better anywhere from my perspective.
Nobody but Prabowo knows whether he’ll run again, but if I were a betting man I would put money on it.
Nobody but Prabowo knows whether he’ll run again, but if I were a betting man I would put money on it.
So would I.
He isn't too old for the job and he now has top level government experience to back up his claim to the throne. Add he still appears to have a solid base and a lot of friends in the right places, and that means he could very well win.
He's moving in all the right circles and getting himself photographed at events the military will like, especially if they fancy the idea of a nice shiny 4.5 gen fighter with Indonesian markings on the side, and they might well get it.
His previous 'issues' with the US government have been swept under the carpet for the moment, and he's re-branded himself as a statesman with serious potential for the top job.
I'm not especially partisan as far as Indonesian domestic politics go, but I like to watch the field.
Jokowi-Prabowo 2024 now has a volunteer group. The group, dubbed Jokpro, will declare their formation tomorrow in Tegal Parang, Jakarta.

Please please, have Anies-Puan on the other ticket, for maximum entertainment value...

I'm barely ready for PSBB phase 2 in 2024 let alone whatever this is
Don't worry, Twitter account looks like the first candidate, it already has government
bots in its comments.

For the record, Jokowi is the best, and the harvest this year has been amazing!
Yes, I also thought the harvest was amazing! Indonesia is better than Malaysia in every way!
Prabowo will never play second fiddle to Jokowi. Why would he when he has a good chance of winning?
Is it true that serving as VP for a term counts towards your term limit as president?

I thought I heard that somewhere about why Yusuf Kalla wouldn't be running for president, but I might have misunderstood or misremembered.
Is it true that serving as VP for a term counts towards your term limit as president?

I thought I heard that somewhere about why Yusuf Kalla wouldn't be running for president, but I might have misunderstood or misremembered.
Kalla was VP for one term with SBY and one term with Jokowi and that filled his limits.
Kalla was VP for one term with SBY and one term with Jokowi and that filled his limits.
This filled his limit to be VICE PRESIDENT but he could have run to be President. As per article 7 UUD one can fill THE SAME jabatan President/Vice President only twice. It means that there is no problem to be Vice President for two terms, then be elected President for up to 2 terms.

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