Announcing Expat Indo companion website!!


Jul 13, 2016
Dear Expat Indo members:

After much work, preparation (and procrastination), we have launched our companion website at <---------------CLICK HERE!! :)


As of now this is a soft launch, to test out layout, pages, etc. and to gain feedback from our community members.

Our vision is to have this site contain a wealth of useful information for the Expat community in Indonesia, and we will work hard to add more content in the near future. Besides basic information, we also want to feature interesting posts from the forum for a wider audience to read. To improve SEO, articles/content appearing both in the forums and on the website may be edited/rewritten as time permits, without losing the original content.

We have featured some of the great work of our users, and if you have any articles that you wish to contribute, please contact us and we will be glad to look at it. Articles contributed will of course be attributed to the contributor, and it is up to you whether you want your forum name or real name to appear.

In the mean time your input, suggestions, encouragement and support is greatly appreciated.


The Expat Indo team.
Looking good. Everything I clicked on worked great. Great start.
Good start, but only a start. I like the format and organization of the main page; with a site like this, content is king -- long way to go to cover all the bases.
Very well done, it looks really great and works very fast on my tablet. congratulations
Prefer not to have the live feed of Latest Community Posts....or at least maybe filter it to show sub forums but exclude the chit-chat thread?

Thank you for the suggestion, this is interesting.

Could you please expand a bit on your reasoning behind it? Why would you like it differently from what it is now?
Very well done, it looks really great and works very fast on my tablet. congratulations

That's good! Our website uses a "Responsive" design where the layout automatically changes and reorganizes itself based on the screen/window size. You can see it in action by opening the site on your desktop and resizing the window to see things move around magically!
That's good! Our website uses a "Responsive" design where the layout automatically changes and reorganizes itself based on the screen/window size. You can see it in action by opening the site on your desktop and resizing the window to see things move around magically!
I can not see the 'magic' because I use only a 10.5 Samsung tablet.. No problem and like I mention before it looks great on my tablet.
Looks good.

Quite many chapters are still empty. If people encounter that two times, they will drop out and not even try anymore. Attention spans are low nowadays. Perhaps of getting the "Sorry...empty" message, perhaps it is better if they would be filled with just a simple search result on the forum? (E.g bank account) or go the to the applicable subforum?
Looks good.

Quite many chapters are still empty. If people encounter that two times, they will drop out and not even try anymore. Attention spans are low nowadays. Perhaps of getting the "Sorry...empty" message, perhaps it is better if they would be filled with just a simple search result on the forum? (E.g bank account) or go the to the applicable subforum?

Yes, good point. I'm not too worried about this right now because we have stuff we can fill the chapters with, just haven't gotten around to it yet. We quite literally have like 30 visitors so far because we're not indexed on Google yet.

I might deactivate those empty sections later.
Looks good.

Quite many chapters are still empty. If people encounter that two times, they will drop out and not even try anymore. Attention spans are low nowadays. Perhaps of getting the "Sorry...empty" message, perhaps it is better if they would be filled with just a simple search result on the forum? (E.g bank account) or go the to the applicable subforum?

That's a good point. Part of the reason to get this published is so that we have more motivation to write articles.
Thank you for the suggestion, this is interesting.

Could you please expand a bit on your reasoning behind it? Why would you like it differently from what it is now?

Just being a little nitpicky :) Just wanted to prevent some titles from topics made in jest, to pop up among the other topics....non-members or general public might get confused if they read subjects like "Refugees and Philippines", "SKTT & KITAP", "Invest in Time Deposit" and somehow a funny tittle like "The Vagina Thread" comes up too. Maybe we'll just have to carefully word our titles from now on...(especially when we rant about stuff).
Just being a little nitpicky :) Just wanted to prevent some titles from topics made in jest, to pop up among the other topics....non-members or general public might get confused if they read subjects like "Refugees and Philippines", "SKTT & KITAP", "Invest in Time Deposit" and somehow a funny tittle like "The Vagina Thread" comes up too. Maybe we'll just have to carefully word our titles from now on...(especially when we rant about stuff).

Or keep the more rowdy stuff in the cage :)

I have a different opinion on this, I think it can be a gateway for new users, they can see that there is some activity going on and if there is a funny title it might even catch their attention!
I haven't commented with any suggestions, applause or criticism- because I don't know what I think about it other than: pretty pictures.
Not had time to peruse it fully, just seemed to link to stuff we already spoke about in here- BUT then again I never used the website at the old forum either (mainly cos most of it was irrelevant to me or out of date).

Well done guys- it looks pretty

Seems like obsolete information. Maybe this is workable in Jakarta, but in many (most?) places it will be much easier to apply online, for which as I understand it there are now two routes, either conversion of sosbud, or VITAS. VITAS route takes less than a month from start to finish. Also there is no longer any MERP in the case that you took an electronic KITAS.

[h=4]Free Visa On Arrival (Bebas Visa Kunjungan)[/h]This is NOT a visa on arrival, it is entry WITHOUT visa.

You can mention Duolingo, which has Indonesian -> English

This page does not seem to appear in the dropdown menu.

Seems like obsolete information. Maybe this is workable in Jakarta, but in many (most?) places it will be much easier to apply online, for which as I understand it there are now two routes, either conversion of sosbud, or VITAS. VITAS route takes less than a month from start to finish. Also there is no longer any MERP in the case that you took an electronic KITAS.

[h=4]Free Visa On Arrival (Bebas Visa Kunjungan)[/h]This is NOT a visa on arrival, it is entry WITHOUT visa.

You can mention Duolingo, which has Indonesian -> English

This page does not seem to appear in the dropdown menu.

About the kitas application online, you absolutely nailed it. In fact, we have been talking precisely about your post about this not long ago and how we should update the process to include the online application system.

As for your other comments, thank you so much, I will look into them. Thank you so much for your feedback.
Congrats on this new development. I have been so busy since I returned to UK at the beginning of August that I haven't had time to peruse it fully. It is on my 'to do' list, together with catching up with all the other posts on the forum... and updating everyone on what has been happening to me since my return. It has been an up and down rollercoaster ride... very challenging, but not entirely unpleasant!

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