2024 The Warmest Year on Record


Active Member
Sep 23, 2024
From https://www.noaa.gov/news/2024-was-worlds-warmest-year-on-record#:~:text=Earth's average land and ocean,NOAA's 1850-2024 climate record.
Title : 2024 was the world’s warmest year on record

It’s official: 2024 was the planet’s warmest year on record, according to an analysis by scientists from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)...

... Other scientific organizations, including NASA, the Copernicus Climate Change Serviceoffsite link and the UK Met Office have conducted separate but similar analyses that also rank 2024 as the warmest year on record ...

Earth’s average land and ocean surface temperature in 2024 was 2.32 degrees F (1.29 degrees C) above the 20th-century average — the highest global temperature among all years in NOAA’s 1850-2024 climate record. It was 0.18 of a degree F (0.10 of a degree C) warmer than 2023, which was previously the warmest year on record.

Regionally, Africa, Europe, North America, Oceania and South America (tied with 2023) had their warmest year on record. Asia and the Arctic had their second-warmest year on record ...
Yep and warmer to come. Raising oceans, more powerful storms, more moisture falling from the sky's. Oh, we knew that was all coming but did anyone prepare for it or just sit back and think others could stop it? Nothing like waiting until it's too late to prepare. So normal
Yep and warmer to come. Raising oceans, more powerful storms, more moisture falling from the sky's. Oh, we knew that was all coming but did anyone prepare for it or just sit back and think others could stop it? Nothing like waiting until it's too late to prepare. So normal
You seem not to have noticed all the protest around the world about, Stop Global Warming! It is not much the common people can do much except on a personal scale of consumerism.
It is the Lazy, Fat Cats in the Governments that have been bought out by the petrochemical corporations, palm oil plantations, and large scale cattle industry, that allow the deforestation, and continued use of fossil fuels, giving drilling permits, and logging permits, out like candy.
I have seen the people from the South Pacific islands having protest and speaking out, that their islands are in danger of being covered by rising Oceans. The Rich leaders of the World, all fly to a beautiful place such as Bali, have a convention and address these issues, then go home and give excuses that more research needs to be done. So forth, nothing gets done!
You seem not to have noticed all the protest around the world about, Stop Global Warming! It is not much the common people can do much except on a personal scale of consumerism.
It is the Lazy, Fat Cats in the Governments that have been bought out by the petrochemical corporations, palm oil plantations, and large scale cattle industry, that allow the deforestation, and continued use of fossil fuels, giving drilling permits, and logging permits, out like candy.
I have seen the people from the South Pacific islands having protest and speaking out, that their islands are in danger of being covered by rising Oceans. The Rich leaders of the World, all fly to a beautiful place such as Bali, have a convention and address these issues, then go home and give excuses that more research needs to be done. So forth, nothing gets done!
Yep, bitch and complain, bitch and complain. Then do nothing about anything. You are one of those tree huggers who want to tell the world that the sky is falling but have no clue what an umbrella is. The thing is, there should be less of your type with the doom and gloom and more of the type that want to actually tackle the doom to reduce the gloom. Coastal land will be lost. That is a given. What are your plans. OK, you are not capable of going after some big mind blowing problems so how about you keep it simple unlike these overpaid climate doomsayers who only want to make predictions and not a word on preparations for it. What are you doing in your immediate surroundings? Anything? Something? Even bitched about it? Or, maybe just sat back and looked for something to copy and paste to attempt to prove how knowledgeable you are about this climate disaster. I and like many others, don't need to hear about climate change. We need to know that there is work being done in a larger scale beyond our reach to protect people from it. Dykes, dredging, construction regulations, infrastructure, and how about migrant works to get it done.

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