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  1. Digitarius

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  2. Digitarius

    No package delivery to Indonesia

    Last month my wife actually found the exact same vitamins on Tokopedia and ordered them for me and they arrived the next day. I am so glad I didn't purchase from the US. The price was the same as if I had them shipped from the US so it was worth it to me.
  3. Digitarius

    Renting a house - pay upfront ?

    I have been renting for the last 3 years a different home each year because home owners here clearly do not want to upkeep their property. I just moved out of an otherwise nice house but it leaked continuously and the walls has moisture throughout. Then the water pump broke and that was the...
  4. Digitarius

    No package delivery to Indonesia

    I never heard that. Why is that? I brought some with me 2 months ago on a plane from USA in checked baggage of course. So what is the issue with vitamins and perfume?
  5. Digitarius

    No package delivery to Indonesia

    That was by accident. I created it then left for a bit and forgot about it and created it again. Sorry about that.
  6. Digitarius

    No package delivery to Indonesia

    No it's definitely not a drug it's vitamins for men. PM I can send you the link. I brought some with me from the U.S and I really like it but I ran out and as I said they won't ship to Indonesia.
  7. Digitarius

    No package delivery to Indonesia

    Because I can't think of any other way to get the item since the dealer will not ship it to Indonesia. How good are they are what is their pricing like? I just want to order a bottle of vitamins actually.
  8. Digitarius

    No package delivery to Indonesia

    There are forwarding companies that will accept your delivery at their address and forward the package to you. U.S. has the reverse of that if you are ordering from a country that will not deliver to the U.S. Reducing declared item would not work because the company does not deliver to...
  9. Digitarius

    No package delivery to Indonesia

    So they purposely charge exorbitant fees knowing you won't want to pay them so they can then sell your item for cash.
  10. Digitarius

    No package delivery to Indonesia

    What do you mean again? I never asked this question before.
  11. Digitarius

    No package delivery to Indonesia

    I found a product I want to buy from the U.S. but the company does not deliver to Indonesia or Thailand for some unexplained reason. Does anyone know of a way to buy something from such a company and have it sent to Indonesia sort of like through forwarding company for small items. I found...
  12. Digitarius

    International Money Orders

    No, the place doesn't matter a money order or cashier check is what I need and I am surprised it's so hard to find here, especially in a bank like BCA.
  13. Digitarius

    International Money Orders

    No it's not a scam I was actually at this office but found out after I left I needed to send a money order or cashiers check. I've done business with this office before.
  14. Digitarius

    International Money Orders

    Is anyone aware of where to get one of these, or even a cashiers check? Although there are numerous Western Union locations in Yogyakarta and throughout Indonesia they don't offer international money orders. I checked in IN POS and other places some have never heard of them. Not sure of any...
  15. Digitarius

    Five Year KITAP (family reunification - spouse sponsored) Eligibility

    I notice there is a process on the front page of this site about how to apply for a spousal KITAS. I believe it's outdated since it's dated 2016. Does anyone know the if there is instructions for applying for, besides those in the imigrasi website, those are confusing. If not when I find out...
  16. Digitarius

    Bring back masculinity

    Like or not there are major differences in the sexes call it what you will femininity or masculinity there is a clear cut difference but in todays woke society it's not polite to point those differences out. God forbid we tell a boy he's a boy or a girl she is a girl or call them outside their...
  17. Digitarius

    Living Ubud Bali

    Quiet and beach and a little jungle would be nice.
  18. Digitarius

    MERP Extension Online

    Wow up to 5 million that's insane. I'll how I can get around that cost if not then I'll grudgingly pay it.

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