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  1. ChrisTex

    FIFA U-17 World Cup Indonesia 2023: 10 November-2 December 2023

    They are playing at JIS in North Jakarta. I have had a few mates go and watch some games based on their Instagram stories.
  2. ChrisTex

    Gundala: Indonesian Movie Review

    Wasn't there talks of there being a sequel? I had caught it when it was on Netflix and I found it actually good.
  3. ChrisTex

    An El Niño year…. 🌞

    109 F(42+ C) the last two days at 5pm in the Dallas area. Funny thing is, coming from Jakarta, it doesn't feel too bad.
  4. ChrisTex

    Demonstrations planned against ... Coldplay?

    Maybe they have the old ECW cane Dewey in mind.
  5. ChrisTex

    Back as an upper-middle income country, but will Indonesia be trapped there?

    No one is saying anything about inside, but outside. I know people who aren't from Indonesia, but are from Muslim countries and they say the speakers aren't as loud as they are in Indonesia. Back in 2016, there was a case where a lady got charged with blashemy for cutting the cables to the...
  6. ChrisTex

    Back as an upper-middle income country, but will Indonesia be trapped there?

    So why play the loudspeakers so loud or have the even prayers coming on TV? What about the Friday prayers where they sound like karens who are demanding to speak to the manager? I remember @Nimbus talking about it in some post/thread long ago about how some of it has to do with getting people...
  7. ChrisTex

    SMA IGCSE/a level teacher - SMP Native conversation

    IELTS 6 is the lowest I have seen for that particular test. 6.5 is about the average now. for university. Some US schools and their requirements. A lot of this have changed as before either TOEFL or IELTS was required. Now, they are even taking Cambridge IGCSE scores. With testing centers shut...
  8. ChrisTex

    What Is Amaizing To You?

    And believed Bill and Hillary's pal, Espstein killed himself. That wasn't Hunter's coke.
  9. ChrisTex

    Is a spouse-sponsored Kitas/Kitap really worth it?

    You do realize that they have been changing their mind every 2 months recently and with a new president, there are going to be even more changes.....all fully legal and blessed by the government.
  10. ChrisTex

    SMA IGCSE/a level teacher - SMP Native conversation

    Will you allow online teaching or do they have to reside in Jakarta?
  11. ChrisTex

    Back as an upper-middle income country, but will Indonesia be trapped there?

    This is my take on EF as the company based on my experience and what I saw and heard to go along with the post I had shared. I enjoyed the kids I taught and the people I worked with(well most of them), but the company as a whole, not so much. On LinkedIn, you can do a job search by city. EF...
  12. ChrisTex

    Back as an upper-middle income country, but will Indonesia be trapped there?

    Yes and no. It all depends on the school and what the expectations of the teachers are. You also need to factor in the tuition cost, enrollment, target audience, and curriculum used. A school like JIS or SPH do pay good, but some for the smaller International and National Plus schools, they...
  13. ChrisTex

    Back as an upper-middle income country, but will Indonesia be trapped there?

    Or they are just given some type of device to play with*. *Not limited to just Indonesia.
  14. ChrisTex

    Back as an upper-middle income country, but will Indonesia be trapped there?

    Just getting teachers to consider coming to Indonesia is a struggle. Majority of the time China, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and the Middle East is where people are going. If you go to reddit, it is the same thing. No one talks about Indonesia. Even companies like EF where precovid, China...
  15. ChrisTex

    Communicating with Japan Airlines

    Did you try calling the 310 number? Remember, they open on Pacific time.
  16. ChrisTex

    The practice test to get a driving licence. If you pass you could become a circus performer !!!

    The drivers license is included in the fee they pay to become cops. They learn on the job.
  17. ChrisTex

    FIFA U-20 World Cup 2023 Indonesia

    The Bali governor better hope his party wins the presidential election or he will be out of a job. He will be a reason why Bali and Indonesia get blacklisted from hosting events.
  18. ChrisTex

    Communicating with Japan Airlines

    Never had trouble with the JAL website in terms of it being down, but ya it can be a bit hard to find some information. I usually just use my Texas phone and call +1-310-607-4160. Have always gotten through in a timely manner.
  19. ChrisTex

    What Movie to Watch Nowdays when The Cinema are Open?

    And you know someone will complain about the outfits.

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