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  1. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    You’re criticizing BLM for playing around with their word definition, and now you’re doing it yourself. Accepting family members doesn’t qualify as ‘humanitarian reason’, not if they’re able parents. These countries you wish to emulate don’t consider parents worthy of immigrant visa for...
  2. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    You said you prefer a merit system, but I’m sorry to say that I don’t believe you, at least I don’t believe you understand what a merit system in immigration means. A true merit system means each immigrant is admitted based on what he/she does or has. Conservatives dislike birthright...
  3. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    Long before the 14th amendment, long before California joining the union, long before the Louisiana purchase. In fact the idea is used in article 2 of the original constitution adopted in 1788, as “No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the...
  4. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    You keep arguing that these children are giving their parents a leg up, even though the facts say otherwise. Point me to a legal statute that protects parents simply because they have citizen children. American citizens don’t get protection from jail for having citizen children, what makes you...
  5. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    The benefit they get is for the child, who is a citizen. In any case a child (anywhere in the world) is blameless and deserve food and health care, that’s why we have the WIC (women, infants, and children) program. They know that in order for children to get enough food, the parents need enough...
  6. Nimbus

    Hello im indonesian people

    Like I said, Indonesian language lacks the word for privacy.
  7. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    You have stated the opinion that anchor baby parents “cut the line” and “game the system”. The very system that creates this line comes much, much later than birthright citizenship. Birthright citizenship was here before the CIS, before the INS, before the first immigration law, before...
  8. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    A big part of the problem is large Indian consulting companies, known informally as “body shops”. They spam the system with literally tens of thousands of applications from their huge employee pool. Whoever wins the lottery get sent to USA, those who don’t stay to work in India. The federal...
  9. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    Which part of the law cheated by anchor babies? Birthright citizenship has been the law since the 18th century. It’s not a defect, it’s a built-in feature of this republic. This is a non-issue of such a small proportion that’s getting blown up by the right wing entertainment media complex...
  10. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    I was talking about the behavioral change, from unproductive citizens to productive immigrants. I don’t need millions of data points to confirm that Indonesian immigrants generally have a different work ethics from Indonesians in Indonesia. My point is that Indonesians are not genetically lazy...
  11. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    You said you have no problem with adults sponsoring another adults. That’s how it works today. Next you’re gonna say, I only approve for adults who earn their citizenship. Well, if you want citizenship by pure merit, what gives babies of citizens a right to citizenship? They sure haven’t earned...
  12. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    Then by your definition there is no such thing as anchor babies. By law you can’t sponsor relatives until you’re at least 21 years old.
  13. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    The primary path for merit-based immigration to USA is the H-1 class visas. Before 1990 there was no quota, meaning anybody who qualified got it. Bush Senior put a quota of 65,000 in 1990, when US population was 250 million. Except for a short spike in 2001, 2002, and 2003, the quota remains at...
  14. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    They’re derisively called “anchor babies” because they’re the anchor to the chain. Without the anchor the chain doesn’t connect. If the problem is chain migration, then it’s already curtailed heavily, and it can be cut completely. If the problem is with the babies for having foreign parents...
  15. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    I’m talking about the myth that birthright citizenship in the 14th amendment started as a way to give citizenship to former African slaves. Birthright citizenship has always been the norm in the continent where almost everybody came from elsewhere in the world. The 14th amendment was necessary...
  16. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    Because Trump set them up as executive orders, they have been rescinded by Biden. It doesn’t change the fact that he enacted them, with full support from his constituents, who are supposedly not against legal immigrants. In the current climate I don’t think any comprehensive immigration reform...
  17. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    No, that is patently false. In the Americas citizenship has always been granted to people born there, and that’s not unique to the United States. The exception was for African slaves, in the infamous Dredd Scott decision by the Supreme Court. The Civil War was fought over it, and that side lost...
  18. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    Xenofobic is anti foreigner in general, meaning all foreigners regardless of race or religion. Anti Muslim policy is Islamophobic. My point is that immigration policy is always about picking and choosing who you let in. This is tough because different people favor different types of immigrants...
  19. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    I’m not excusing fraud. At the same time I’m fed up with a certain segment of American society claiming they’re not against immigrants, they’re only against illegal ones, yet they continuously vote for politicians who make legal immigration harder and harder. When legal immigration is extremely...
  20. Nimbus

    How Indonesian resort island Bali became a refuge for Ukrainians and Russians

    A closed border means no entry of foreigners. No business visitors No investors No tourists No foreign spouse and children of citizens No foreigners period This is basically Japan under the isolationist Sakoku policy, before Commodore Perry forced them to open the country. Poland doesn’t...

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