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  1. P

    Xmas greeting from an old friend missing in action!

    Just want to wish all my family and friends both here in the UK and in Indonesia (and the rest of the world), Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. So many people have come forward and helped me over the last few months, it would be impossible to thank each one individually. To all of you... thank...
  2. P

    Putting my cat to sleep tomorrow

    I have only just seen this Puspawarna. So sorry... you must be heartbroken. But at least you gave him a good life while you could, and comfort at the end. Bless you xxx
  3. P

    Announcing Expat Indo companion website!!

    Congrats on this new development. I have been so busy since I returned to UK at the beginning of August that I haven't had time to peruse it fully. It is on my 'to do' list, together with catching up with all the other posts on the forum... and updating everyone on what has been happening to...
  4. P

    How to file complaint in Manpower?

    @ TH and Atlantis: I agree with both of you. There is not going to be any financial benefit coming out of complaining to Manpower. However, I would just like it to be on record that a formal complaint has been made. Who knows, maybe at some time in the future another complaint against him...
  5. P

    Congratulations for the new forum

    That seems to be more for people looking for schools for their kids, rather than teachers getting together and sharing experiences and ideas. I have also noticed that the further down the page you go, the less activity there seems to be. Just a thought....
  6. P

    Congratulations for the new forum

    Can we have a 'Teachers' Forum' please, like on the old site? I know there are people working in other professions here,but teaching seems to be the majority occupation for expats working here in Indonesia. I have been posting either on the General Forum or on the Employment Law Forum, but...
  7. P


    Here is a note that had been written about that same company on another website together with my response. The original message (in quotes) appeared on Dave's ESL Cafe in 2015 but was quickly removed: Hi, I wanted to write a short review of Synergy (sitc) Medan at which two persons I knew...
  8. P

    How to file complaint in Manpower?

    Hi everyone. It has been a while since I posted, as I have been mad-crazy trying to sort through things here. I am still without a pension, etc, as my penchant for travel throughout the years makes sorting out Tax/NHI credits somewhat complicated. A word of advice to anyone thinking of returning...
  9. P

    Garuda Jakarta to London stopover in Singapore

    I vaguely remember something like this happening to me some years ago. On getting off the plane, we were all herded into the departure gate waiting area and were not allowed to actually enter the rest of the terminal. There was an added delay for some technical reason, so we were there for...
  10. P

    The Cage is now open! Please, register here for access.

    Can I have the punishment from Atlantis first, then say the magic words: I would like to join the Cage? Anyway, I would like to join the cage!
  11. P

    The Cage is now open! Please, register here for access.

    Well I have been a charter member since the inception of this forum, but I am being told I do not have access to the cage. What have I done wrong? :Cry::help:
  12. P

    Brag about anything here! You have my permission.

    OK. I got the PM. Come on everybody, give BA your topic ideas. They can be as serious or funny as you like and on just about any topic. I am sure she will have great fun sorting through the more bizarre suggestions! :bad_azz: :rofl:
  13. P

    Brag about anything here! You have my permission.

    @BA: Is the magazine mainly for expats or is it for more general circulation?
  14. P

    Brag about anything here! You have my permission.

    No major bragging involved here, but small pats on the back for tiny steps forwards. After dissolving in tears last Thursday following my telephonic runaround with government departments, I decided I was still probably too jetlagged and stressed out to deal with anything efficiently, so decided...
  15. P

    Brag about anything here! You have my permission.

    What sort of a magazine is it? What type of topics do they usually cover? I might be able to come up with some ideas if you can narrow down the topic area a little. Good luck with this. I am only a little surprised that you still have a little sliver of free space in your already busy, busy...
  16. P


    Caveat emptor was precisely my point Tihzo. Except in this case, he is the one buying the services of teachers but failing to pay the agreed price for those services. Nevertheless, my original post was also the opening salvo against the corrupt owner of this school and his nefarious...
  17. P


    re: My post: 'WARNING': Sorry Mods, I posted this in two separate places because I didn't know which one would be most appropriate and gain a wider audience. Please delete or move either or both of them. By both of them, I mean that if you feel the post contravenes the rules of the forum...
  18. P


    If you are looking for teaching work in Indonesia, especially in Medan, North Sumatera, please be very wary of a school known as Synergy (SiTC), formerly known as Learning Minds. Make sure a work permit has been obtained for you BEFORE you enter Indonesia. Also make sure that a full contract...
  19. P


    If you are looking for teaching work in Indonesia, especially in Medan, North Sumatera, please be very wary of a school known as Synergy (SiTC), formerly known as Learning Minds. Make sure a work permit has been obtained for you BEFORE you enter Indonesia. Also make sure that a full contract...
  20. P

    Brag about anything here! You have my permission.

    Hi Smallworld. I was talking 'tongue in cheek'. I am not really considering changing my nationality. I've found that a sense of humour is often the only thing that sees you through difficult situations! :becky:. As to all the rest, I am just working through possibilities one by one.

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